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Assignment Bulk File Downloads Filenames


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I've created a ticket on the ideas portal which would be great if we could get some votes on it.

When bulk downloading files from an assignment the files are currently named with the students username. We would like to change this to the students actual name as usernames mean nothing to staff and this is causing them loads more work.


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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to bring this back up....  but back in the good old days of Frog 3..............  each kid would have a folder created for them with their username and name on it!!!  Much easier if kids are handing in multiple files in one hand in!! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Graham Quince have you any update on this? As suspected now we've done a school wide launch of logging homework on Frog we have some very disappointed teachers who now have 100's of files submitted to them with no way of quickly identifying who created each one.

Surely this is a quick fix and should have been included in Dickens?

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1 hour ago, Graham Quince said:

Hi @clangstaff,

I've had no update on this i'm afraid.  The Product Team aren't around today, but I'll chase them.

Come on Frog...  this just seams like another no brainer...  a username on a file...  or a folder with name and username like we used to have!!!!  Good old Frog 3!!

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@Graham Quince 

At North Huddersfield we use 'nhts intakeyear firstinitial last initial' e.g nhts16ah

At Holmfirth we use 'intakeyear random3numbers tutorsinitials' e.g 16845cl 

Neither of these a recognisable to staff and the only potential solution we have is to hand out lists of usernames to all teachers which is both time consuming to arrange but also for teachers to check.

I'd be surprised if many secondary schools used instantly recognisable usernames for their students. At North Huddersfield we in some cases have several students in the same year group with exactly the same name which would still cause confusion.

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@clangstaff @Graham Quince

Hello everyone,

I've had a look into this one, and have come up with a solution. When downloading from assignment manager the files will be structured as below. Each student gets their own folder, and all the files they had have submitted are inside those folders. At the top level is the assignment name (ignore the duplicate 'volcanos' folder at the very top - that's just how I unzipped the folder). The folders are named with the students display name + their username in brackets afterwards (in case of duplicate names within a class).


I've passed it onto our testing people here, who will give it a good bashing to make sure I haven't broken anything, and if they are happy then we'll get this out ASAP.


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@adamw Great! This will solve teachers a lot of hassle. Does the filename keep it's original name (the name given by the student) in this solution or would this still be renamed?


From teacher feedback a number have mentioned that surname should take priority over forename however, if both were displaying I wouldn't be too worried.

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I've altered it to be surname_forename(username) is that better? Also, underscores in the names or spaces? I went with underscores, but that's just my personal dislike of spaces in folder names :P


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21 hours ago, clangstaff said:

Great! This will solve teachers a lot of hassle. Does the filename keep it's original name (the name given by the student) in this solution or would this still be renamed?


The files are no longer renamed, they keep the original name that was given by the students - they don't have the students name added to them as they did before.

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7 minutes ago, adamw said:

I've altered it to be surname_forename(username) is that better? Also, underscores in the names or spaces? I went with underscores, but that's just my personal dislike of spaces in folder names :P


Comma...  Doe, Jane?

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@adamw Awesome looks good to me - thanks for the quick turnaround - teachers will be pleased with this one.

With regards to getting this implemented do you think it will be feasible to add as a quick update or are we going to be waiting for potentially the summer release? Just so I can let staff know!

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22 hours ago, clangstaff said:

@adamw Awesome looks good to me - thanks for the quick turnaround - teachers will be pleased with this one.

With regards to getting this implemented do you think it will be feasible to add as a quick update or are we going to be waiting for potentially the summer release? Just so I can let staff know!

Sorry for the delay in responding, I wasn't in yesterday.

I've spoken to the guys here, and it probably won't be in for the Dickens release, but it looks like there will be an interim release a few weeks after Dickens, and there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to get it in for that one. Of course there is the usual caveat of 'if everything goes according to plan' :)



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  • 2 months later...
On 2017-3-10 at 10:11, adamw said:

Sorry for the delay in responding, I wasn't in yesterday.

I've spoken to the guys here, and it probably won't be in for the Dickens release, but it looks like there will be an interim release a few weeks after Dickens, and there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to get it in for that one. Of course there is the usual caveat of 'if everything goes according to plan' :)



@adamw @Graham Quince Have we any update on when this may be released we've gone well passed a a few weeks?

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