The simplest way to find a Form's UUID is to add the following code to an HTML widget:
<div class="form_list"></div>
var htmlWidget = arguments[0];
var formList = htmlWidget.find('.form_list');
var site = htmlWidget.closest('.sites_core');
var siteUUID = site[0].children[0].children[0].dataset.siteUuid;
Frog.Model.api('dataviewer.getlist', { // look at all forms on the site
module: 'form',
current_user_only: 'true',
site_uuid: siteUUID
}).done(function(allFormsResponse) {
$.each(, function(index,form) {
'<li><b>'+form.title+ ' UUID:</b> '+index+'<br><br></li>'
}).fail(function(e) {
// Report Error
Frog.Controller.prototype.growl('Failed to find forms.','HTML widget','app-name',{time:5000, icon: 'sites/widget/'+self.packageID+'/icon.png'});