Hi Tom - thanks for the response and for updating the version for me. The issue is still occurring for me though. In the console I get the following error message when trying to open a newly created seating plan.
Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: div[data-name=].seat_selected
at Function.t.error (dist/bundles/lib/lib.js:304)
at t.tokenize (dist/bundles/lib/lib.js:304)
at Function.t (dist/bundles/lib/lib.js:304)
at Function.e.find (jquery-migrate:3)
at e.fn.init.find (dist/bundles/lib/lib.js:304)
at e.fn.init.e.fn.find (jquery-migrate:3)
at eval (eval at <anonymous> (core_controller:NaN), <anonymous>:819:33)
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at l.eval (eval at <anonymous> (core_controller:NaN), <anonymous>:817:48)
at Array.eval (dist/bundles/lib/lib.js:304)
0: "No driver instance to handle files"
callee: ƒ ()
length: 1
Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ƒ values()
__proto__: Object
Any suggestions?