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About THaines

  • Birthday 01/16/1995

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  • School
    Trinity School

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Community Answers

  1. Thanks @Aimée13, it certainly looks interesting. Is it free?
  2. Thanks @O. Marriott - I've had a look at this one before but it's Spiceworks and I'd never put it on the system again! It proved to be a nightmare!
  3. Hi all We have a new Head of Department who used G Suite in his old school and is keen to get it up and running here. From the looks of things, it seems to offer similar to what Frog can do (Google Classroom is the main tool he wants to use I believe) and I'm a little cautious of introducing a new system here which could overtake the use of Frog. Does anyone use Frog and Google side by side any can anyone shed any light on it for me, as I don't know anything about the G Suite! Thanks in advance Tom
  4. Ok thanks
  5. @Graham Quince Can we have a look at this please? Sorry, the summer was a bit mental and I'm only just getting round to catching up with things since the beginning of term...
  6. I did have a think about it but I'd really like a proper ticketing system to enable me to assign certain tickets to different members of the team etc. and at present neither forums or forms would allow this
  7. Not entirely Frog related but have any of you come across/use a good (free!) IT Helpdesk system in your schools? I'm keen to get one up and running but am yet to find anything easy to use and simple to set up! Ideally I'd like all staff to have access so they could raise tickets etc. but at the very least even something we could use between the 3 of us in the IT Office would be good.
  8. THaines


    Thanks Tom, all working now!
  9. THaines


    Thanks Tom. All the tick boxes are ticked in the extractor. How do I run a manual extract/import?
  10. THaines


    Great, thanks Tom!
  11. THaines


    Our classes don't seem to have rolled up and therefore staff can't assign any homework - any ideas?!
  12. THaines


    I might be being really dim (highly likely!) but I can't see how to close a site or edit a site when accessing Frog via a browser on a mobile device?
  13. Thanks Tom!
  14. When did you get the da Vinci update? We're still on Austen at the mo so I can't login and have a look!
  15. Cool, I've managed to do this so far...looking good! Just need to go through each site and share it with the relevant people/line managers to ensure the right people see the right sites! Still a big job but not as 'faffy' as having to create a group for each person and then set up rules etc.
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