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  1. clangstaff's post in Student Reports through Frog was marked as the answer   
    Have to say SIMS linked documents in Frog 3 (although much easier for us than using the Assessment widgets) was a nightmare to manage. You only have the option to bring in all reports for students and there is no quick an easy way to filter and manage the documents when you get them into Frog.
    Not sure if this is the same within FrogLearn but it was when I last checked. We're now looking at an alternative app based system for getting our SIMS data to parents and using Frog as more of a homework portal for parents allowing them to keep up to date with their childs' work but not attendance, behavior and reports.
    The new system we are looking at handles attendance, behavior data and allows you to select specific reports rather than everything linked to a child. There is minimal work in the way of account set-up for parents and is entirely mobile based but links in with email and the schools text messaging communication.
  2. clangstaff's post in Date and Time HTML code was marked as the answer   
    @Sue Busher See code below - there are loads of adaptations that can be made have a look at the .JS website for any tweaks in format but this will simply display the date on your page then you can style this as you see fit.
    We used this for a pop up banner on our website which said which timetable week it was and some other useful info.
    <p id="showDate"></p> <script> var a = moment().format('dddd Do MMMM'); $('#showDate').html(a); jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('#hideshow').on('click', function(event) { jQuery('#content').toggle('hide'); }); }); </script>  
  3. clangstaff's post in Mobile Templates was marked as the answer   
    I've got a few mobile friendly themes, I coded some time ago that I can share - if you drop me an email I'll send them across. You can then amend colours and logo's if needs be.
    @ADT @Sue Busher @krisdan
  4. clangstaff's post in Frog quizzes not loading was marked as the answer   
    Seems to be working fine in Chrome - IE seems is always causing issues I would advise trying to move away from this we've never looked back!
  5. clangstaff's post in Navbar colour was marked as the answer   
    Below is the code I'm using the change the assignments icon - looks as though you are missing a couple of classes.
    /* Assignments logo */ .os-titlebar .nav.os-navbar-icon>li.os-navbar-icon-assignments>span:first-child { background-image: url(https://www.holmfirthhigh.co.uk/frogos/app/file/resource/D60318C920030ED233E59F9BCF16D0062676283CC46E54AD.png)!important; background-repeat: no-repeat; margin: 14px 12px 14px 12px!important; } .os-titlebar .nav.os-navbar-icon>li.os-navbar-icon-assignments:hover>span:first-child { background-image: url(https://www.holmfirthhigh.co.uk/frogos/app/file/resource/D691D5CA200304E6A40B0F6704F31F0EC7276A1C9710910B.png)!important; } /* Assignments logo */  
  6. clangstaff's post in Embed documents from OneDrive Issue! was marked as the answer   
    @ADT Sounds like you need to make some amendments within the Admin panel to get this setting made available. I couldn't tell you exactly which setting it is but it appears there for us.
    However, regardless of this setting to get a PowerPoint to display publicly on a site (for people who are not logged in to office 365 within the same browser) we had to paste the link in to some code then use that embed code in a HTML widget.
    Follow guidance below.
    Public embed for 365 documents

    1. Go to document and get view only link as pasted below


    2. Copy the iframe code from frog and paste in to document too

    <iframe src='https://holmfirthhighco-my.sharepoint.com/personal/c_langstaff_holmfirthhigh_co_uk/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=UImRA0YbUkAYOaVjzJrSL3D34g4om1O2h04Bm6qirpI%3d&docid=0060a53bc51f34dbaa6bb3e19888e8553&rev=1&action=embedview&wdStartOn=1' width='100%' height='800px;' frameborder='0'>This is an embedded <a target='_blank' href='https://office.com'>Microsoft Office</a> document, powered by <a target='_blank' href='https://office.com/webapps'>Office Online</a>.</iframe>

    3. Replace link up to '}&action=embed' with documents link
  7. clangstaff's post in Secure Gateway was marked as the answer   
    Secure Gateway is a relatively cheap solution for remote access - It's pretty basic and a PC would have to remain turned on with a user logged in which is the main downside.
    You can get really powerful remote login software which will allow any number of users to remote in to a server rather than a specific PC however, the cost involved in this kind of solution is huge.
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