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Sue Busher

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About Sue Busher

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    Thatcham, Berkshire

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  1. @Graham Quince Thank you so much.
  2. @Graham Quince Apparently the second countdown is freaking staff and pupils out. Can you help me amend the code so I it just shows days?
  3. @Graham Quince You are a star, thank you.
  4. That sounds ideal Graham. Can someone install it on our platform please?
  5. Can anyone help me with this please? <iframe width="300" height="154" src="https://w2.countingdownto.com/4544001" frameborder="0"></iframe> Frog just doesn't like it.. Or does anyone else have any other successful countdown clocks I could use?
  6. Yes, I was going to move so it takes up less space (so under the second column
  7. @Adam Omelak I am so sorry, I didn't see your response. I would love to get it working on our staff dashboard site (you will see that I have the full key dates one showing at the moment but it is taking too much space, so I would like to use the mini calendar version.
  8. I have just updated the look and feel and it has given me this code: <div data-tockify-component="mini" data-tockify-calendar="kennet"></div> <script data-cfasync="false" data-tockify-script="embed" src="https://public.tockify.com/browser/embed.js"></script> Sorry, I am not an expert in HTML an can't work out what I need to alter. Would you mind helping me one last time please?
  9. Thank you Adam. That is so helpful. I will give it a go. Really appreciate your help.
  10. I'm hoping someone can help me. Tockify is our school calendar. To get it working on our website, they have supplied this code: <div data-tockify-component="mini" data-tockify-calendar="kennet"></div> <script data-cfasync="false" data-tockify-script="embed" src=https://public.tockify.com/browser/embed.js></script> Frog blocks this from running, but Graham was able to adapt it: <script> var tockifyScript = document.createElement('script'); tockifyScript.setAttribute('data-tockify-script','embed'); tockifyScript.setAttribute('data-cfasync',false); tockifyScript.src = "https://public.tockify.com/browser/embed.js"; document.head.appendChild(tockifyScript); </script> <div data-tockify-component="mini" data-tockify-calendar="kennet"></div> Which works the first time it loads, but if I edit the site its on, it no longer appears. Can anyone see how to adapt the code to always work, even if the site is edited?
  11. You are a star... thank you so much Graham, much appreciated.
  12. Has anyone got any coding which will add Union Jack bunting to the sites for the Queen's Jubilee?
  13. AI am interested in improving how we show documents on our sites. Something like the above image where the some 'graphics' are static, but others are links). Does anyone know if this is possible via the text editor?
  14. Yes, this is exactly the kind of thing I was thinking. Thanks @ADT Have a good weekend
  15. We are a large secondary school and I am looking for suggestions on how I can help display Tutor information easily from the dashboard, without it distracting/confusing with the wider staff communications. Notices seem the obvious way, but is there a way of integrating more effectively with tabs? Anyone else tackled this effectively? If so, can you share screengrabs?
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