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Twitter Widget


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Hi, Can anyone help with the twitter widget please? We have a few dotted around our platform from various subjects and we also have 2 on our school website on the homepage (which is a frog learn site). These do not display and this is causing issues as staff use these to post updates and news and if they are not showing on out public site it is missing a big chunk of information. 

I tired the fix which was mentioned here a while ago, this displayed the feeds for I think about a day or 2 and then they have gone back to displaying the message "Tweets by...." as link to the twitter, but not actually showing the feed. 

Does anyone know what this is and how to fix it? I have the head of school, head of ICT and head of sixth form all wanting these fixed but I cannot work out what the issue is. 


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1 hour ago, Graham Quince said:

Hi @Corinne

I'd noticed some issue with the Twitter code myself and when i mentioned this to one of our devs, they pointed out that part of the problem is with Twitter's own script.   I've been opting back to using TwitRSS.me instead and the RSS widget.   

Ah the old "Third Party" excuse.... :P

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You can target it like any widget for styling?

This is the CSS i use for the forum feed on the community:

 /* RSS feed - forum activity*/
    div[data-content-uuid="D2C73B0D200288AE6903DFFA2E2A1302C38D3B1C96E71BC6"] h2:before  {
        content:"Frog Forums - ";
    div[data-content-uuid="D2C73B0D200288AE6903DFFA2E2A1302C38D3B1C96E71BC6"] h2  {
    div[data-content-uuid="D2C73B0D200288AE6903DFFA2E2A1302C38D3B1C96E71BC6"] small  {
    div[data-content-uuid="D2C73B0D200288AE6903DFFA2E2A1302C38D3B1C96E71BC6"] a  {
    div[data-content-uuid="D2C73B0D200288AE6903DFFA2E2A1302C38D3B1C96E71BC6"] .feed_content  {


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4 hours ago, paulmitchell1989 said:

For multiple Twitter accounts I've found that embedding the Twitter widget in a blank Frog 3 page and then embedding that page using the 'Embed Frog 3.0' works wonders :) 

I am hoping to be done with Frog 3 soon so this wouldn't fix the issue for very long. 

@Graham Quince I will try that now thanks 

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  • 4 months later...
  • 9 months later...

@Graham Quince Thank you - works perfectly now.

On the same site, I am having all kinds of trouble getting the table widget, the text table widget and the slide show to resize nicely when in  mobile view. Are there any tricks of the trade that I am missing? Or can you pop on to see what I am doing wrong?



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@Graham Quince

I have watched this a couple of times and will give it a go, although this doesn't explain how I address the issues I am getting with the table widget. Are you suggesting that I need to rebuild these in the text table widget? A lot of mine have images within the table - will these resize or will I need to adjust?

See the Learning >  Subjects page on the site I mentioned to see what I am talking about.

Edited by Sue Busher
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@Graham Quince

OK, so I created two tables and added the style sheet class 'desktop' the other 'mobile' as per the video. Added the HTML code to the bottom of the site home page. However, it isn't hiding the tables properly. Can you have a look at the > Learning > Key Stage 3 page and let me know what I've done wrong please?

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ok, so we have a couple of typos and a missing bracket

@media screen and (max-width: 700px) was missing the '(' start bracket

The semicolon needed to be a colon ':'

@Sue Busher The editor although a bit basic, does try to show you when something is wrong, in the screenshot .mobile and .desktop are highlighted.

I have corrected your CSS and it now works

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