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Graham Quince

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Everything posted by Graham Quince

  1. Hey, Not really appropriate for Common Questions, but i've just found this for a school and thought I'd share. It's quite difficult to embed an Instagram feed (they don't provide the html) and while you can probably build something in HTML to make the API calls, this page: https://www.simplehelp.net/2017/05/24/how-to-create-an-rss-feed-for-instagram/ Shows how to take an instagram URL, such as: https://www.instagram.com/stevecrowther/ https://www.instagram.com/stevecrowther/ and take the username and paste it onto a websta address: https://websta.me/rss/n/USERNAME to get https://websta.me/rss/n/stevecrowther/ This then works with the RSS widget
  2. Unfortunately, you can't assign work to staff profiles David Hillyard uses forms for this (video cue-ed up to where he talks about it) Alternatively: A forum (rich-text coming soon) where everyone has to post under the thread might work. Or (and this is stretching it a bit), how about using a File Drop set to individual view. Then user upload a scan of their signature as prove of reading. (hmmm, not sure about that one myself) A poll would also generate a list of users in the Data Viewer. A FrogCode widget could fire the results into a form using the form APIs
  3. Hi Nathan, I think I understand what's going on: When a user using an Android Tablet downloads a powerpoint to their device it cannot open the file in the PowerPoint app When they download the file via Office365 they can. I've checked on my phone, I was able to download a file added to a file drop (also with the Link to File widget) and was able to open it. I did notice on the video that in when you view the file in Office365, I couldn't tell how you opened this tab, was it via an External Link widget? Frog does not compress files, The powerpoint I upload is the same size was the one I downloaded. Tom who is working on your ticket is off sick today, but we've continued looking into it. I think this might be an issue with the apps on Android. Searching for "powerpoint app "can't open file" android" produced some results: https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=w-lUWrS2FKGBgAb45rKYCw&q=powerpoint+app+"can't+open+file"+android&oq=powerpoint+app+"can't+open+file"+android&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i22i29i30k1.10862.12217.0.12458. The closest to a solution I've found is to check if you have the latest versions of each of the apps.
  4. You may have heard about the January 2018 security issues regarding Intel, AMD and Arm processors. There is a concern that malicious programs, malware and websites could obtain information they should not be able to access. In layman’s terms, a design flaw in the world’s most commonly used processors could allow unauthorised access to personal data.  (If you are interested, this website goes into more technical detail: https://meltdownattack.com/ ) Support While neither of these bugs is Frog’s fault, we support your servers and as soon as security patches are released by the manufacturers, we will contact you to arrange to update your systems. Any such update will likely require some downtime as the servers will need to be shut down and restarted. We’ll update the Frog platforms we host (i.e. if your Frog web address ends in frogos.net). We will coordinate with you to update your Frog servers. Note: If you run Frog in a VM environment, you will have to update your VM software (HyperV, VMWare etc) as well as working with us to update Frog.
  5. 52 users on Christmas day. That's dedication.
  6. It turns out that FrogLearn actually has most of its icons and symbols as CSS classes and that these also exist as TTF fonts. Should you wish to use Frog's icons in your HTML instead of images, now you can: https://www.frogeducation.com/community/tutorials/reference-guide-to-frog-icons
  7. Were you trying to use FrogDrive instead of Package Manager? I've just installed it for you without any problems
  8. https://www.frogeducation.com/community/tutorials/frogcode/frogcode-showcase#flashcards I've added an anchor tag
  9. Thinking more about this, could we use this thread (or a sub-forum) to host links to Google Sheets? Would anyone be willing to share their flash cards?
  10. Hi @mmclaughlin, If you email or PM me your new details I'll get them updated for you. Graham
  11. Paul's widget is now shared on the community: https://www.frogeducation.com/community/tutorials/frogcode/frogcode-showcase#flashcards Thanks again @pconkie
  12. Hi @Sean_M, Sorry, just spotted this post. i'll try and get the widget updated this week and shared out. Graham
  13. Wow! That's really cool.
  14. And a happy new year to you all too! Santa and his merry band of elves have been working hard on Forms and will soon have a lot more features. I'm fairly confident that they will be at least as good as Frog3 forms. FrogSnap and FrogLive. The former will happen at some point I'm sure, the latter...I'd love it, but it's just not our priority right now - sorry. Finally, Quick Launch has a lot of hidden features, did you know if you add an application or site to the Global quick launch, it will only show up if you have access to the app (set in Groups and Policies) or the site is shared with you? You could add the assignment monitor for instance, and no students would see it. External links should be the only thing you can't control in this way.
  15. It’s possible. In Frogcode, I think there is a pref for html and there is a view for the widget in editing mode.
  16. I’m off now until the new year, so don’t have access to your platforms. I’ll try to remember to grab this from Paul and we’ll make it available. Graham
  17. <style> .lib_models_quick_launch_59AA476320055C9A605C8F5D5B29BE0A6150860C47762999 { display: none !important; } </style> Will hide the booking calendar from the Quick Launch menu, although the UUID will be different, so you'll need to right-click on the Quick Launch on the Frogbar and choose Inspect Element then open up the DIVs until you see the icon highlighted you want to hide. Then you can copy that class. Pretty awkward but it's possible. It's almost exactly the same code to hide it in the Applications section of FrogDrive, but the UUID will also be different.
  18. Hi @paulmitchell1989, My day/week for apologising for missed threads/questions. Booking Calendars and sharing is controlled via Groups & Policies. Unfortunately, it's all or nothing in terms of individual calendars though. I suppose we could use CSS to hide the application itself and then you can direct users using the Create Event widget? FrogLearn's calendar has repeat entries, I used to spend about an hour at the start of term setting up the diary events once the timetable was published. Ideally we'd improve this, but it's not scheduled for Galileo.
  19. Hi @mmclaughlin, I'm sorry, I've just noticed your post had gone un-answered. We don't currently test Opera. Most schools in the UK still run MS IE11. Google Chrome is quite popular too. This slightly old document, QA - Smoke Test_.xlsx is a spreadsheet to record high-level tests and if each browser passes it. Graham
  20. Shared folders widget IS web files. I think Paul is saying he couldn’t upload a zip file to a file drop and unpack it. Folder structures will unpack too
  21. Use the shared folders widget, that will allow you to embed a specific folder from FrogDrive in a site. You should be able to upload and extract zip files in FrogDrive. interesting quirk that we’ve spotted, parents can have access to shared folders, if you share a folder from your Frog Documents, but not if you share it from School Documents. We’ve picked up on this and will address it, but this workaround might help. (I know you’re talking about Governors, Paul)
  22. The zip files option is only available in the ‘front end’ of Frog3 with the web files brick. However, the Linux servers limit you to 2Gb for file size. To that end, we have developed a script we can run to download all your files to a nominated network drive. If you drop me a line when you’re ready, we can arrange to do this with you. (Also, I’m fairly certain FRG files are just zips with a different extension. I’d have to check that though)
  23. Hey everyone, Thanks to @Chris.Smith and @Simon Law for updating the Slideshow Carousel code to cope with multiple instances of galleries on different sites and nested pages. It's great to see this tutorial in use, but I'll be honest, I never anticipated the different ways it would be used. You can get the updated code here: https://www.frogeducation.com/community/tutorials/frogcode-tutorials/file-drop
  24. I've had a look at Linguascope's code and it actually just generates a login box. Frog blocks external scripts from loading, but the html is ok to use, so this should work for you: <div id="linguascope_login" style="width: 250px; height: 250px; font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', Chalkboard, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; border: none; background-image: url(https://www.linguascope.com/link/login/LinguascopeLogon250x250.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; margin: 0 auto; padding-top: 88px;"> <form class="form-inline" action="http://www.linguascope.com/secure/login.php" method="put" target="_blank"> <div class="form-group"> <div style="width: 280px; height: 47px; margin-left: 10px; padding: 0px;"><input class="form-control" id="username" type="text" name="username" value="" placeholder="Username" onclick="event.stopPropagation();" style="width: 182px; height: 25px; font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', Chalkboard, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; margin: 0 0 0 24px; padding: 0;"></div> <div style="width: 280px; height: 35px; margin-top: 6px; margin-left: 10px; padding: 0;"><input class="form-control" id="password" type="password" name="password" value="" placeholder="Password" onclick="event.stopPropagation();" style="width: 182px; height: 25px; font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', Chalkboard, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; margin: 0 0 0 24px; padding: 0;"></div> <input type="hidden" name="login_checksum" id="login_checksum" value="linguatest"> <div style="width: 280px; height: 35px; margin: 3px 40px; padding: 0;"><button id="loginbutton" type="submit" value="Log In >" class="btn btn-danger" style="font-size: 1px; text-indent: -1000px; background-color: transparent; background-image: url(http://www.linguascope.com/link/login/LinguascopeLogonSubmit.png); color: #FFF; border-radius: 5px; border: none; width: 86px; height: 36px;"></button> </form> </div>
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