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Everything posted by adamw

  1. Hi Ann, It should certainly be possible. You would need to do a request to our groups.getfor API: /api/2/?method=groups.getfor You then pass an identity param (which is the uuid of the user you want the groups for) and a group_type param, which you set as 'registration' That should get the group back. You can then get the name from that group and display somewhere. You can get the uuid of the user by having your widget listen to the select user widget, so you could search for users. Or you could just make it use the current user. Depends on what you want to do with the widget. If I get some time today, I'll try and knock up an example FrogCode widget for you, that's if @Graham Quince doesn't beat me to it Adam
  2. If it's ignored then it shouldn't show up on the graph at all. It'll go through a load of testing before it gets released, so if there are any issues they should be picked up then. However, it is really down to how an individual school decides to configure their data as to how it shows. Hopefully this should grant some flexibility in that
  3. I had a to make a change to the api's to send the 'returned_date' to the front end. Also, whilst I was doing this I noticed the missing message and added it in. It shows up when you click the row, along with any other messages being sent. There's an odd formatting issue at the moment, but I'll sort that in due course. Also, I haven't tested it with parents yet - probably should get on that! I'm fairly confident it would show the same for parents. Staff would not show any different, it just goes back to waiting to be submitted in their view. At least for now
  4. Hmm, but if the school is closed, then it shouldn't count either way should it? So it would be fine to ignore it in terms of a child's percentage attendance I would have thought?
  5. So do you mean having an option to select month/three months/year or entering a start and end date into the widget when you put it on a page? The only downside I see to that is that you would need to remember to change that date every year.
  6. You could find the attendance code for 'Whole planned school closure' and just set it to ignore in FrogParent Manager. Then none of the graphs or calculations should use that data and it should clean it up nicely for you. Colours for attendance codes is a nice idea, I'll have a look into how easy custom colours for the graphs would be when I get a few mins.
  7. I was having a play about today and came up with this. This any better?
  8. Way ahead of you on this one. The issue is that the data coming from SIMS includes attendance codes for students for those days. Basically - in this case the exceptional circumstance would be 'Planned whole or full school closure' Now, I've been working on a way to be able to configure this data better (yes like you could in Frog3) and so I present you a new section in FrogParent Manager: Using this section you can configure what attendance codes you want to show and ignore, as well as change the default (SIMS) descriptions to be something more like what you would use in the school. Also, the graph widget is getting an update which breaks down the attendance codes for you as in my previous post: You should be getting that, as well as a new summary widget in the next release (fingers crossed).
  9. adamw

    Website Analytics

    If you login as an admin to your platform and search for 'analytics' in the search bar, you can find an app to help with this.You get something like this: I've covered up the site names and authors in this example, but you should see all your sites and their stats here. You can also use the filter at the top to search for sites by name, etc...
  10. Nice, Regarding academic years there's a fdp1 endpoint /academicyear/get, which will should return all the academic years and any periods inside them (spring term, summer term etc....) set up in frog. (I think you may have to have progress though, as they are defined in curriculum designer).
  11. Okay, I'll shut up then Must be my super special admin credentials that let me see all the juicy stuff! Out of curiosity, what sort content would you like to view as another user?
  12. Isn't there a button in server configuration -> server schedule -> manual sync on a frog3 toolkit?
  13. I've had a really quick look at the code and it looks like In the filters you can send an additional param: issue_date: { from: xxxxxxxx, to: xxxxxxxx } Where xxxxxxxx is a unix timestamp. You can also do the same with due_date. I've not had time to test it sorry, but something like that should work. So your filters will look something like: filters: {status: ["open", "closed", "archived"], issue_date {from: xxxxxxx, to: xxxxxxx} }, Give it a bash and let me know if it doesn't work and I'll have a proper look into it when I get a free moment
  14. I assume @Graham Quince meant you can do this by creating a new user and giving it the profile of the type you want to test. For example, if you wanted to see a site how a student would see it, then create a new user and give it the student profile. You can then log in as that user to test it. You could easily change the profile to another if you wanted to test something different. It's not as streamlined as being able to press a button and get the same results, but I know something like that has been discussed here before
  15. If you open FrogDrive as an admin and search for: "staff dashboard" (without the quotes) and press the 'all sites' button at the top, you should see it appear. Let me know if it doesn't show for you
  16. You beat me to it!
  17. Ah that makes sense, I was wondering how that view was being displayed on the app instead of the correct one. Sorry for the inconvenience @Sharon James - We'll get it straightened out ASAP!
  18. Hmm, I'm not sure why Frog is opening in a browser for you. Using the app should look different: myfrog.mp4 I've recorded a quick clip from my phone which shows how it should work. Can you confirm that you are following the same steps? Obviously when you enter the school URL, you would enter your schools Frog Address and not the test one I entered Thanks!
  19. There's some really useful info here: http://www.frogcommunity.com/app/os#!davinci/myfrog---mobile-app/how-to-staff-view
  20. Hi Sharon, I have the same phone as you, so I tested this. Can I confirm that this is what you are seeing? If so, if you swipe down on the calendar, you should see the whole month: Hope this helps! Adam
  21. With a FrogCode widget like the one above, you would be able to add this to a page / dashboard and share it with your staff. There's all sorts of clever things you could do with it - for example, automatically pulling back a list of students that the teacher teaches so they don't have to search, or the ability to bring back a group or a subject etc...
  22. @ADT I knocked together a super-quick FrogCode widget to list out assignments for the selected user. Is this the sort of thing you were after? Obviously this is a quick implementation, as it brings back everything and there's no filters, but you get the idea of what you could do with it. I'll wave it under @Graham Quince nose, if anyone wants the code let us know and we'll sort something out.
  23. Hi Paul, The complete assignment button has been moved for mobile devices to a sticky footer, but it looks like this missed the cutoff to get it into the release. I'm pushing here to get this into one of the upcoming hotfixes, so hopefully this will be sorted soon. I'll update you as soon as I know anything further.
  24. Okay, So I've committed a fix for this issue. It'll go though the standard QA testing and assuming that everything looks good it should be with you before too long. I don't have an exact timescale yet, but there's likely to be a hotfix or two for this release forthcoming. Thanks!
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