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Posts posted by paulmitchell1989

  1. 19 minutes ago, pconkie said:

    Hi @paulmitchell1989

    As per the original widget if a user or group has only "view" permission for a site then they won't see the button to create a new notice.  If they have "view and contribute" or "admin" permissions then they will see it. That's the theory anyway! And that works on our frog box.

    I'm not sure what the default sharing settings are for the student dashboard, but if you create a new site and give students "view" sharing permissions and put the noticeboard on that site, then embed that site on your dashboard, it should work like you want it to.

    We don't let students create notices either!

    Let me know if you still can't get it to hide.


    Perfect! Thank you for the widget and your help, Frog need to start paying you with all your contributions!

    • Like 1
  2. Fantastic work. I really want to use the new noticeboard widget on the student dashboard, however when logged in as my test student account I can create a notice whereas on the original noticeboard widget the permissions are in place where I can’t. Can I restrict students from creating notices using the new widget?

    Thank you in advance!

  3. 23 minutes ago, ssteadp said:

    I've implemented this, but it doesn't seem to work on mobile devices. On a desktop clicking on the menu item works, even when browser is resized to a mobile size, but on an actual mobile device it takes you to the old page.  It's as though click events work, but touch events don't. Anybody else has this issue?

    I've tried this as well as we have certain menu links to external sites.

    It works but only if you tap the link 5 or 6 times...

  4. Hello

    I'm trying to create background images similar to the Frog Templates, however whatever size I use it always looks distorted and doesn't fit!

    I've tried locating the background image source myself with little success. Please could someone let me know what image size is best to recreate a background similar?





  5. Hello!

    In the concept demo it states...


    Using the HTML widget, File Drops can be used to display information to staff with a cleaner look...

    Any chance I can have the code? 


  6. 2 hours ago, Graham Quince said:

    There is an example of digital signage on our concept-demo site.  That used the notice board widget to add messages.   I know @gbligh uses iPads and Frog for digital signage.  

    Basically, any Frog site set to Public on the web will load in without the Frog bar.  in terms of rotating the contents, the File Drop slideshow (or actually the new Image Carousel) can do that.  Alternatively you can get fancier effects with more HTML.  

    I did try with Chosen Hill school to use a cheap TV stick, unfortunately it was so cheap, it would lose the WiFi details each time it was turned off.   It would be worth checking with the Amazon Fire sticks what you can program them to do on start up.   (For the cheap TV stick, I did download an Android app to load the web browser on startup.)

    @Graham Quince How about a Raspberry pi? http://www.lifehacker.co.uk/2016/06/02/fullpageos-automatically-boots-your-raspberry-pi-into-a-full-page-web-kiosk-mode

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Graham Quince said:

    Phew - ok.  So, this morning i have hurriedly got my widget to @Chris.Smith for approval and i'm currently preparing a page on the community for this to live on.  There are some major caveats you'll need to accept:

    1. I've built this - it is not an official Frog widget
    2. It is entirely dependent on OneDrive sharing.  If MS change their settings, this widget will stop working
    3. Frog's proper devs are currently building proper OneDrive integration.  If you put this widget throughout your platform, then get the true stuff, you'll be responsible for replacing it all.

    All good?  Give me an hour



    I'd also be happy with the widgets you showed me at Bett :) busy day for you!

  8. 39 minutes ago, Graham Quince said:

    Can help you today, but I've turned this in a FrogCode widget:


    Ah amazing! Looking forward to be able to use these!

  9. Looking back through all my old Frog stuff I found the sheet from Birmingham Conf 16 'Discover FrogCode Worksheets'

    I've used getUser(); but would like the font to be a bit bigger and for it to say Welcome in front of it...any ideas?

    Thanks in advance

    <div id="myDiv2" class="alert alert-info"></div>
    var user = FrogOS.getUser()


  10. On 1/24/2017 at 7:09 PM, emoseley said:

    I have had better luck using copy and paste into and out of Libre Office.   We had and issue with some meta data formatting that came along from Word causing problems with every other text widget on the particular site.  Particularly if you are using tables within a text widget.


    Thanks - I'll give it a go!

  11. I'm remaking several pages in Learn from 3, one site in particular is a Work Experience jobs board.

    When copying text from the Frog 3 page it says each time the text below. When copying and pasting again it loses all the formatting, spaces etc which will take a lot longer to transfer across. Does anyone know what browser security settings I can temporarily disable? Currently using Chrome!

    As always, thanks in advance!

    "Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.
    Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (Ctrl/Cmd+V) and hit OK"
  12. 1 minute ago, Graham Quince said:

    Hi @paulmitchell1989

    I've not written a tutorial on the Concept-demo tabs as it's a little complex to get all the UUIDs for the html.  It's quite easy to get wrong and quite hard to spot what's gone wrong.  That said, I'm quite happy to install the site on your platform and help tailor it to suit your needs.  The tabs use the nested page widgets, so you can have whatever content you like each page.


    Hi @Graham Quince

    That would be wonderful thank you! Shall I email you saying where I would like the tabbed page to go?


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