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Everything posted by adamw

  1. @pconkie glad you managed to get something out of SIMS that was useful! I'll happily have a look at the widget when I get the opportunity. Also, I'd be interested in seeing the raw output of that CSV from Exams organiser. I assume other people who have SIMS also use this add on for exam timetables?n Or do you use something else?
  2. Just doing a quick poll to gather some information on SCORM package usage.
  3. I meant the CSV export that someone was kindly going to provide me to do some testing with FrogCode with . Regarding everyone else - I'm not sure they export it from SIMS, but rather take it directly from the SIMS db and host it somewhere. So it's not quite the same thing Adam (p.s. i'd like to see our competitors do game based learning, a feature rich vle, e-portfolios, progress tracking, curriculum management, curriculum mapped resources, learning lockers (with examples of good work to assist marking) home learning, parental engagement, feedback, reporting (with funky pdf conversion abilities), the ability to extend the platform through custom widgets (FrogCode), Homework calendars, assignments, Android / IOS apps (my frog, frog snap, etc..), e-reader, document management, Frog Connect (the ability to connect frog servers between schools to share resources (MATS)) integrations with google docs/drive and waaay more that I can't be bothered to type out now - plus what's coming soon that you don't know about yet. I guess what I'm saying is that it's easy to show that data from SIMS if that's ALL you do. But fear not, I am nudging people to keep this at the forefront of peoples minds here.
  4. Santa hasn't delivered me the export from SIMS yet...
  5. adamw

    UUID in forms?

    It does vastly more than Frog3 - in this case however, we've not yet provided the ability to add users into a group via a form, because quite frankly, It's never come up before Groups are managed through the groups and policies app (as well as via some FDP endpoints for the more enterprising of users). I've not looked into it for a while, but a logical first step would seem to be having a field matcher when importing csv's into groups like we do for users. Also, getting the users uuid into the form data doesn't seem like it would be too scary. I'll ping @Matt to see if we can add these to the idea pad / list of stuffs to do!
  6. I don't think it does at the moment, but it sounds like something that's worth sticking on the idea-pad so we can have a look into it
  7. adamw

    UUID in forms?

    You could probably achieve the same thing with a FrogCode widget. What do you think @Graham Quince - user select drop down, then something that calls the group create api's with a bunch of data? Seems doable, but I'm rammed with stuff at the moment, so don't have any time to look
  8. You've just reminded me of some code I did last year when I was trying to make is snow on the platform. I'll paste it here in case anyone wants to use it. <canvas id ="snow-canvas" style="position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; pointer-events: none;"> </canvas> <script> var canvas = document.getElementById('snow-canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var widgets = this.element.closest('.app-sites').find('.widget-content'); var surfaces = []; for (var i = 0; i < widgets.length; i++) { var w = $(widgets[i]); var surf = { start_x: w.offset().left, end_x: w.offset().left + w.innerWidth(), y: w.offset().top } surfaces.push(surf); } canvas.width = window.innerWidth; canvas.height = window.innerHeight; var max_particles = 2000; var jitter_magnitude = 5; var generator_speed = 2; var particles = []; window.requestAnimFrame = (function(callback) { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 30); }; })(); function render() { if (particles.length < max_particles) { for (var i = 0; i < generator_speed; i++) { particles.push(generateParticle()); } } for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) { if (particles[i].lifespan % 3 == 0 && !particles[i].landed) { var jitter_x = Math.random(); if (jitter_x > 0.5) { jitter_x = jitter_x * -1; } particles[i].x += jitter_x; } if (!particles[i].landed) { particles[i].y += particles[i].speed; } particles[i].lifespan -= 1; for(var j = 0; j < surfaces.length; j++) { if ( particles[i].x >= surfaces[j].start_x && particles[i].x <= surfaces[j].end_x && particles[i].y < surfaces[j].y && (particles[i].y + 5 >= surfaces[j].y) && (particles[i].y + 5 < surfaces[j].y + 5) ) { var landed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1; if (landed < 25) { particles[i].landed = true; } } } } animate(); requestAnimFrame(function() { render(); }); } function animate() { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.fillStyle = 'white'; for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) { ctx.fillRect(particles[i].x,particles[i].y,1,1); if (particles[i].y > window.innerHeight + 10 || particles[i].lifespan < 0) { particles.splice(i, 1); } } } function generateParticle() { return { x: Math.floor(Math.random() * window.innerWidth) + 1, y: Math.floor(Math.random() * -100) + 1, speed: Math.random() + 1, lifespan: 500, landed: false } } render(); </script> Stick that in a html widget and cross your fingers. It renders tiny speck-like particles of snow and even builds up on top of widgets on the screen. It's not been optimized, so I wouldn't recommend putting it live, but it's a good starter. I was planning on getting the snow to stick together as it builds up - but I've not gotten around to it yet :p
  9. Another more up to date screen-grab from the markbook to show how it's shaping up:
  10. @clangstaff The new Markbook being developed has this feature:
  11. You need to grant your staff profile access to user information in groups and policies. Specifically the 'view user details' role.
  12. According to the logs on your box: failed because Cannot view this user's details Which user are you logged in as?
  13. Here on the forums for Black Friday only, you get two responses for the price of one!
  14. I've been rammed with work for the upcoming release I'm afraid :p However, I am still in need of an export file from SIMS (anonymised) from someone so I can have a play around in Frog-Code with it. I'm not sure how easy that is to get a hold of though!
  15. adamw

    The Reveal

    They just know not to tell me stuff, because I blab.
  16. adamw

    The Reveal

    Of course! I think there may be a bit more information available after the November event (27th I think). I don't know what I'm allowed to say, so I'll leave all official communications up to @Graham Quince
  17. adamw

    The Reveal

    I'm pleased to report that there was no 'full-Monty' and everyone kept their hats on. I believe however, that we're going to wait until the events have completed before we post anything publicly .
  18. I'm pretty sure we record who made the edits - i'll check into how you see that, It's possible that you can see it when you export the data to a csv.
  19. adamw


    @pconkie will need to update the original widget and let us have the updated version.
  20. We comb the idea portal all the time when we're deciding upon future development - so it's still a good place to make suggestions
  21. adamw


    I think for the time being, we may have to live with the faff - I don't think fixing this will be straight forwards. Deployed code and staging code lives in very different places. We might be able to re-write some of this on the fly and change it upon deployment, but that opens up a whole world of potential broken things. I'll look into it when I have some time. In regards to the widget itself, let me know if you're having problems getting the images to show - we can update the widget as soon as we are sent a new version.
  22. Hi Dave, thanks for clarifying. Unfortunately you wouldn't be able to do this in that way, as your Frog server doesn't have a location where you can host your own files. Also the server isn't setup to handle ASP files. However, if you could process these files in javascript, then you could use a HTML widget on a page to grab the params that way. I did a quick test with a HTML widget: <script type="text/javascript"> var url_string = window.location.href, url = new URL(url_string), x = url.searchParams.get("x"); console.log(x); </script> You'd need to create a public site and access it in the following way: https://[frogserverurl]/app/os?site=[SITE_NAME_HERE]&v1=x&v2=y If you can process the data within the confines of the HTML widget then you may be able to do this. Note, if the HTML widget isn't enabled on your platform, shoot the service desk a quick email and they'll enable it for you.
  23. Okay - sounds like the best thing to do at this point would be to get in touch with our service desk - if you give them specific examples of what you're trying to do from which pages etc then they'll be in a better position to help. If you mention that I've been helping you on the support ticket then the guys will know to come and pester me about it Once we get a clearer idea of the end goals we may be able to suggest other ways to do it.
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