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Everything posted by adamw

  1. No problem, glad it's working now. Any more problems let us know!
  2. Odd, I just checked that feedback for the new assignment and the file is showing now? I'm not sure what happened. If you can have another test sometime, leave it for about an hour and then see if the document shows in feedback, that would be awesome! It could have just been because the converter service was slow - although it still should show something in it's place (a message about it being converted?) Let's keep an eye on it.
  3. Looks like we're going to have to delve a little deeper into this and find out where it is failing - because I'm not seeing anything obviously wrong in the logs. @Tom - can we raise a ticket for this? @ADT are you having any issues with feedback as in the video? Trying to work out if this is a one-off issue or a more global issue.
  4. We're working on upping the rate at which documents are sent for conversion - not sure on the timescales yet. Obviously we were not expecting a massive increase in such a short time in the numbers of files being converted! I'm sure we'll get there Also, I reckon your queue will be mostly cleared by the morning, but I will keep my eye on it.
  5. Yeah, I'm having a look now. It's erroring grabbing the file, but it's not giving me an useful information in the logs as to why..... yet.
  6. Your converter queue is now empty, so all the files should have been converted. Let's see if that helps!
  7. Oh yeah, you have lots of files in the queue! I will see if I can kick it into going through them a bit quicker
  8. The conversion service is on your server, and it works through all the uploaded documents as they arrive, but it only processes so many at once. If there are a load more conversions than normal, the service may take a while to get through them all. Also, I have seen the conversion service get 'stuck' on a file before - which can prevent further conversions from occouring - especially if there are some massive files coming in. It's rare - I've only seen it happen twice in three years - but if you find that the conversions don't seem to be happening, then contact the service desk as they can use their diagnostic tools to have a look at the current queue and can remove any problem files from the conversion queue.
  9. adamw

    Permissions change?

    No I don't think so. That is the ID to a resource, and the system figures out how to serve the correct file back to you. I think this may need investigation, because I tried that link and it worked for me (I was however logged in as a superuser) @Tom
  10. adamw

    Permissions change?

    Nothing has changed as far as I know. Have you tried this with your admin account?
  11. Anecdotally I can tell you that we've seen heavy usage of Frog, both with assignments and FrogPlay over this time - and we've had some great feedback about how it's working for people. I can tell you that everyone at Frog is working very hard to ensure our schools get the very best out of Frog during this time
  12. Hi, sounds like we'll need our support team to get in touch with you so we can check this out. @Connor Hutchinson
  13. adamw

    Duplicating Sites

    Don't know for sure, but that sounds like it would have been a bug. It's possible that it used to try and duplicate everything on a site (all the site assets) but we now remove them for stuff like timelines etc...
  14. Hah, I'd forgotten I'd made that. Yeah, it was just a starter for ten!
  15. adamw

    Frog Store Working?

    If it hasn't shown up in 24 hours then something must be wrong - let support know and they'll be able to investigate it for you. I have seen it take a while before, which can be frustrating I know. This is something I hope we can improve in the future!
  16. adamw

    Frog Store

    @Tom Hi Sally, Sorry to hear about your problems. I've tagged the support team into this and I'll move this issue into the support forums for more visibility.
  17. adamw

    Frog Store Working?

    Has it shown up yet? There is some weirdness where it can sometimes take a little while for the servers to synchronize and for the site to be downloaded. Hopefully this is something that we will be able to improve on in the not too distant future!
  18. @Matt Off the top of my head I can't quite remember, but this does sound right? Converting to individuals simply removes the group link and assigns the assignment to each student individually (if I remember correctly, please let me know if I'm wrong!) So this might have the effect you're after @MarkB Not sure if someone in support might have come across this before @Jay ?
  19. Hmm, I've not seen it - so I don't know. It's possible that it could be as simple as that, but we'd need to have a proper dig into it.
  20. I think if you just send alias as an array of things you want, i.e. ['behaviour.warning', 'behaviour.something', 'behaviour.somethingelse'] You'll only get back those things, So you should be able to use that to exclude the things you don't want back. Worth a shot anyway
  21. adamw

    Text widget issues

    @R Naylor Sorry to hear you're having problems. I'll ask the support team to get in touch with you so we can investigate this. Does this affect all pages / sites or does this problem only affect a certain page? @Tom
  22. adamw

    CS Teacher

    @Nejat Sorry to hear you're having problems. I'll ask our support team to look into this for you. @Tom
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