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Hi @Chris.Smith thanks for taking a look at this. Am I right in thinking the code below

$(getHTMLElem).on('click', '.assignment-link', function(el){
        $(this).trigger('os.app.siteviewer', {
            data: { site: el.currentTarget.dataset.assignmentLink }

would need to be replaced with your updated code below?

var $assignment = $(el.currentTarget);

  site: $assignment.data('assignment-link'),
  assignment_uuid: $assignment.data('assignment-uuid')

I gave this a go but get a malformed java error.


Hi @clangstaff,

It would need to go inside the event callback:

$(getHTMLElem).on('click', function(ev) {
  /* code goes here */

You would also need to make sure the assignments uuid is added to the html markup the same way you have added the "assignment-link"

Hope that helps,

~ Chris


Hi @Chris.Smith

Is it possible to open the fileupload dialogue and simultaneously pass the filedrop uuid using a similar approach to the code above?

That would open up some interesting possibilities.

29 minutes ago, pconkie said:

Hi @Chris.Smith

Is it possible to open the fileupload dialogue and simultaneously pass the filedrop uuid using a similar approach to the code above?

That would open up some interesting possibilities.

To clarify, during Live or Edit mode?


~ Chris

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Chris.Smith said:

To clarify, during Live or Edit mode?


~ Chris

Live mode, assuming the filedrop already exists somewhere in frog.

Edited by pconkie
42 minutes ago, Chris.Smith said:


So you want the File Uploader to appear, upload a file, and then pass the resulting uuid to something afterwards?


I would like to code a button like this:


To open this:



And return the uuid(s) of any file(s) uploaded.


I assume the file up-loader needs somewhere to put the files?  But if this can all be done without using a filedrop at all, then even better.

Thanks, I know your busy.  Any hint what the "top secret" stuff is your working on?


51 minutes ago, pconkie said:


I would like to code a button like this:


To open this:



And return the uuid(s) of any file(s) uploaded.


I assume the file up-loader needs somewhere to put the files?  But if this can all be done without using a filedrop at all, then even better.

Thanks, I know your busy.  Any hint what the "top secret" stuff is your working on?


It's been one of our most requested features for a long time, you'll find out at Conference ;)

~ Chris

17 hours ago, pconkie said:


I would like to code a button like this:


To open this:



And return the uuid(s) of any file(s) uploaded.


I assume the file up-loader needs somewhere to put the files?  But if this can all be done without using a filedrop at all, then even better.

Thanks, I know your busy.  Any hint what the "top secret" stuff is your working on?


Hi Paul,

Try this...

<button class="btn btn-default" role="button" data-action="launch-uploader">

<script type="text/javascript">
  var you_want_models = false,
      just_uuids = true;
    .on('click', function(ev) {
      var site_uuid = this.elements.site.find('[data-site-uuid]:first').data('site-uuid');

      $('.os_core:first').trigger('os.app.upload', {
        "data": {
          "upload_type": "asset",
          "site_uuid": site_uuid,
          "focusApp": this.element.closest('div.app_dialog'),
          "callback": function(result) {
            var files, uuids;

            if (result.files && result.files.length) {
              if (you_want_models) {
                files = Sites.Models.Assets.models(result.files);
                uuids = Array.prototype.map.call(files, function(file) {
                  return file.attr('uuid');
              } else if (just_uuids) {
                uuids = result.files.map(function(file) {
                  return file.uuid;

              // uuids = Array('uuid 1', 'uuid 2');            

This will pop the uploaded files in the sites assets meaning you can manage them from the Site Assets Manager. You will notice that I have included two options for processing. It is preset just to return uuids, however if you change the boolean values at the top of the script tag then it can return a list of asset models which will give you more information about the file.

Hope this helps,


~ Chris

  • Like 1
On 5/17/2017 at 08:21, Chris.Smith said:

Hi @clangstaff,

It would need to go inside the event callback:

$(getHTMLElem).on('click', function(ev) {
  /* code goes here */

You would also need to make sure the assignments uuid is added to the html markup the same way you have added the "assignment-link"

Hope that helps,

~ Chris

Unfortunately with my little knowledge of coding I'm struggling to find the time to look at this - anyone have the skill to quickly resolve this? I've included my code below. Thank you in advance!

.trs-student-current-assignments-widget {
background-color: #ffffff;
border-radius: 5px;
overflow: hidden;
.trs-student-current-assignments-widget .assignment-widget-header {
background-color: #3f274e;
padding: 1em;
position: relative;
text-align: left;
.trs-student-current-assignments-widget .assignment-widget-header::after {
content: "";
width: 98%;
height: 60%;
position: absolute;
top: 3%;
left: 1%;
border-radius: 5px;
.trs-student-current-assignments-widget .assignment-widget-header h1 {
color: #fff;
font-size: 19px;
margin: 0;
.trs-student-current-assignments-widget .no-homework {
padding: 1em;
text-align: center;
.trs-student-current-assignments-widget .assignment-list {
list-style: none;
padding: 0 1em;
margin:0 0 0 0;

.trs-student-current-assignments-widget .assignment-list :hover{
.trs-student-current-assignments-widget .assignment-list .assignment-link {
border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
padding: 10px 10px  10px 10px;
margin: 0.5em 0;
cursor: pointer;
.trs-student-current-assignments-widget .assignment-list .assignment-link p {
margin: 0;
.trs-student-current-assignments-widget .assignment-list .assignment-link .assign-icon {
width: 32px;
height: 32px;
display: block;
float: left;
margin-top: 2px;
.trs-student-current-assignments-widget .assignment-list .assignment-link .assign-details {
padding: 0 1em;
float: left;

<div class="trs-student-current-assignments-widget">
    <div class="assignment-widget-header">
        <h1>My Upcoming Homework</h1>
    <p class="no-homework">You've not been set any homework yet</p>
    <ul class="assignment-list" style="display: none;">


    var getHTMLElem = arguments[0];
    var assignments = FrogOS.fdp({
        url: 'assignment/getAssigned',
        data: { status: 'open', limit: 7, order: 'end asc' }

    assignments.done(function(data) {
       var assignments = data.response.assignments,

for (var uuid in assignments) {
	if (assignments.hasOwnProperty(uuid)) {
		assignment = assignments[uuid].assignment;
                getHTMLElem.find('.trs-student-current-assignments-widget .no-homework').hide();
                var assignSubject = '<p><strong>' + assignment.subject.name + '</strong></p>';
                var assignTitle = '<p>' + assignment.name + '</p>';
                var assignEnd = '<p style="color: red;"><strong>Due: ' + moment(assignment.end, 'X').format('Do MMM YYYY') + '</strong></p>';
                var assignLink = assignment.link;
                var liElem = '<li class="assignment-link clearfix" data-assignment-link="' + assignLink + '"><div class="assign-icon"></div><div class="assign-details">' + assignSubject + '' + assignTitle + '' + assignEnd + '</div></li>';
                getHTMLElem.find('.trs-student-current-assignments-widget .assignment-list').append(liElem);
    $(getHTMLElem).on('click', '.assignment-link', function(el){
        var $assignment = $(el.currentTarget);

  site: $assignment.data('assignment-link'),
  assignment_uuid: $assignment.data('assignment-uuid')


5 hours ago, Chris.Smith said:

Hi Paul,

Try this...

<button class="btn btn-default" role="button" data-action="launch-uploader">

<script type="text/javascript">
  var you_want_models = false,
      just_uuids = true;
    .on('click', function(ev) {
      var site_uuid = this.elements.site.find('[data-site-uuid]:first').data('site-uuid');

      $('.os_core:first').trigger('os.app.upload', {
        "data": {
          "upload_type": "asset",
          "site_uuid": site_uuid,
          "focusApp": this.element.closest('div.app_dialog'),
          "callback": function(result) {
            var files, uuids;

            if (result.files && result.files.length) {
              if (you_want_models) {
                files = Sites.Models.Assets.models(result.files);
                uuids = Array.prototype.map.call(files, function(file) {
                  return file.attr('uuid');
              } else if (just_uuids) {
                uuids = result.files.map(function(file) {
                  return file.uuid;

              // uuids = Array('uuid 1', 'uuid 2');            

This will pop the uploaded files in the sites assets meaning you can manage them from the Site Assets Manager. You will notice that I have included two options for processing. It is preset just to return uuids, however if you change the boolean values at the top of the script tag then it can return a list of asset models which will give you more information about the file.

Hope this helps,


~ Chris


Took me two hours to get this far...

<button id="btn1" type="button">Click Me!</button>

$('#btn1').on('click', function(ev) {
        $(this).trigger('os.app.upload', {
            data: { folder: 'C02427692002F19993597F2E4A88B90FAE7026CCA52EF2A9', method: 'resources.files.add', type: 'staff' }

With no call back for grabbing the file uuids. And at first had no idea where my files were going (until i  looked in my frogdrive).

I'm looking forward to finding some time to try your code out......already got a really great idea for it.

Thanks Chris.


  • 4 months later...
On 11/29/2016 at 13:19, mnicholson said:

I have tried to code and the widget is great, although I have encountered an issue this week.

We have staff setting assignments on the weekend (they are setting the available from dates correctly (i.e. for next lesson not today's date) and when in the assignments app these assignments are not showing until that selected date.  The widget is showing them however - meaning students are attempting homework without input form staff (which isn't wanted).

Want I am asking is there anyway to filter these assignment being shown (in the similar way to subject) - so that the start date/avaible from date isn't great than today's date?

hope that makes sense.


Did you ever get this working?

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