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Graham Quince

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Everything posted by Graham Quince

  1. Graham Quince

    Frog 19

    We were considering those - they weren't the final choices. Apparently the search for room deals is ongoing. I'll post when i know more
  2. Can you try re-embedding it? Replacing the existing quiz with this one?
  3. Hi Paul, Thanks for this, I had a list of most but not all these requirements. I have an awful feeling this will become too big a project to be "snuck in". I'll keep you posted. Graham
  4. Hi folks, I've been asked to put together an HR portal. @gbligh - i've already taken a look at yours - it's fab. Does anyone else have a space on their Frog for everything HR related? Things like: your contact details Absences Payroll policies pensions vacancies Anything else you'd want?
  5. Latest is...we have identified this as something that would require development. Which means it has to be planned out properly. When you start to look at what a parents evening booking system involves, there's quite a few nuances to consider.
  6. So i've inadvertedly stumbled across a limitation with quizzes - in that they aren't designed to be shared by simply embedding them in sites. @pconkie and @gbligh - as you both have FrogPlay - i can "share" the quiz to the community section, but this will make it visible to your students. I don't think that's particularly scary - but let me know what you think. For anyone else wanting the course - we might have to replace the quiz with something else.while we wait on development.
  7. Hi Long story, but for right now - yes its on request only. I'll get it added to your platform. Graham
  8. Hi Paul, You shouldn't need to assign the quzzes, thery should just sit within the page. Can you post a screenshot please? Graham
  9. Hi Paul, I've added these sites to your Frog and made you the owner. They should be "officially" out soon, but you're welcome to them now. Graham
  10. I'd like to see some additions @Matt But you can currently use the Site List widget with some planned key words. Create an ePortfolio site, but before running the wizard, use Share to add a keyword (e.g. eportfolio), then run the ePortfolio wizard. Each site will inherit the keyword and now the Site List can point to those sites. If you want to use the same ePortfolio site for multiple collections, just change the keyword before running the wizard.
  11. It really isn't. although i learned a lot from the code.
  12. Hi @Adam fixed it last night. in fact, during the day he had to spend quite a bit of time dealing with my hacked code. The new version is ready and available to download. - George got it last night and it finally worked.
  13. Graham Quince

    Frog Snap

    Yes - any files added to FrogDrive are separate from the files added to sites - even the site timelines.
  14. In case anyone is interested, we've updated the wording on the FrogSeats download page: https://www.frogeducation.com/community/frogcode/frogcode-showcase/frogseats The form now also provides you with the direct download, so you don't need me to install it for you. Thanks as always @pconkie
  15. Adam's had a chat with me and pointed out that unfortunately, even though we have APIs, we don't have a summary API and the existing ones have security built into them, preventing students accessing other students details. So i'm afraid, you're stuck manually adding the data for now.
  16. You can, at least, set favourites
  17. Markbooks can be accessed by others - although there is a setting in Groups and Policies which can turn this feature off. Are you saying HODs cannot see your marking and feedback?
  18. Markbook let's you share with HODs, doesn't it?
  19. Graham Quince

    Forum Issue!

    Hi everyone, Really sorry it's taken so long to fix. Hopefully everyone can get access now.
  20. Has there been a memo I missed? It seems like every mention of "learners" in school has recently reverted to "pupils", as opposed to "students". For the longest time, "pupils" was almost a dirty word in schools - reasons given for using "students" included empowering children, treating them with respectful terms. "Learners" seemed to be on the rise a little while ago, but "Pupils" just seems very popular now. Anyone else noticed this?
  21. Graham Quince

    Forum Issue!

    We're still investigating this issue. If you can see this message, please can you respond
  22. Hi everyone, @adamw has just shared with me a really cool bit of code our widgets use to listen to the Select User widget: 'broadcast.selectedUser': function(el, ev, options) { /* do something */ /* selected user's UUID: options.model.attr('uuid') username: options.model.attr('username') display name: options.model.attr('displayname') */ } Pop the broadcast function in as it's own "entity" Enjoy
  23. Graham Quince

    Forum Issue!

    Hi, A cache refresh should get the forum back for you. The update from the providers seems to have disliked the theme we hasd applied. We'll get it looking right soon, but at least it should work now.
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