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Frog Community Genius
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Everything posted by ADT

  1. A quick win would be to stick in a HTML widget and add something like.... <script> alert("I am an alert box!"); // prompt, used if you want the user input var person = prompt("Please enter your name", "Harry Potter"); // pops OK or Cancel to proceed var r = confirm("Press a button"); </script>
  2. OK so we use OneNote with our GCSE/A-Level classes... one of the cool things is the ability to create a page and then send it to the student in that class note book but better still across other notebooks. Frog's Eportfolio idea is good.... but wouldn't it been even better if you could create a page and then send it to an Eportfolio Collection adding it to all the sites in that collection??? https://ideas.frogcommunity.com/ideas/FRG-I-1351 @Matt @Graham Quince @gbligh @pconkie
  3. ADT

    Transition Portal

    Ok so ive gone with a direct URL to the Site..... and then hidden everything the student dashboard.... apart from a page which has a link to the Transition Portal.......... Messy but it'll work...... i hope!!
  4. ADT

    Transition Portal

    Yeah i didnt want them to land on the Student Portal... i wanted them to land on a specific Transition Dashboard!!
  5. ADT

    Transition Portal

    Hmmmm... what about a redirect?
  6. OK so i was asked this morning... you know how we do this Year 9 baseline test though Frog... can you remake it in 365 Forms so we can get the three middle schools to do it before they finish this year. So it got me thinking... as we share a managed service... i could add the students to our platform temporally using there AD username... then assign them the same Test (FrogPlay Quiz) we have used with this years yr 9... job done!! So I've created a Transition Portal site... but then i hit an issue!! I thought i could add them as other profile and force the Portal site to be the landing dashboard.... works... but i cant set other an assignment!! Then i thought i could use the external student profile via a csv... still cant set them an assignment!! I'm probably missing something simple..... no doubt its group settings..... so do you do it and how??? @gbligh @Graham Quince @pconkie
  7. ADT

    Frog 19

    Are you staying in the TravelLodge??? Sounds like a plan to me........ you taking out a mortgage to be able to buy a drink?? ?
  8. ADT

    Frog 19

    What no Frog tab?????? ?
  9. He shoots... he scores..... it was only a matter of time!!
  10. ADT

    Frog 19

    Right then guys what the crack with the night before??? Are we meeting... when where?? I should be getting into London about 5pm then i'll have to get across to the hotel at Marybone!!! @gbligh @pconkie @Graham Quince @lucy.evans @Amber Oxley @Gareth Davies (Frog) @SteveH @Matt @anyone else that is normally down the night before
  11. ADT


    He's even solving his own problems now.... whats he paying his support money to Frog for???
  12. And Frog has the cheek to charge you for development......... after all the things you've made for the Frog Community @lucy.evans @Gareth Davies (Frog) @SteveH
  13. I do try.... sometimes..... And to be honest its only styling... not real geeky feeky stuff!!
  14. Well just stick my code into a HTML widget and see what happens.... Hopefully it'll work..... then it will be a matter of playing with colours!!.
  15. You might also need to check to see if you have the latest version of Conkies App! The first version didn't like Year 09!!!
  16. So i have stuck a HTML brick on the page and added this code <Style> } [data-name="Widget.WhoAmITeaching"] .widget_mypplist .ui-x { background: #292929; background: url(); background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#212021 0,#80599F 100%) } [data-name='Widget.WhoAmITeaching'] .widget_mypplist .ui-10 { background: #fff; background: url(); background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#636F03 0,#828C35 100%) } [data-name="Widget.WhoAmITeaching"] .widget_mypplist .ui-11 { background: #fff; background: url(); background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#BD2B0B 0,#CA553C 100%) } [data-name="Widget.WhoAmITeaching"] .widget_mypplist .ui-9 { background: #ff3019; background: url(); background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#11729E 0,#1688BB 100%) } [data-name="Widget.WhoAmITeaching"] .widget_mypplist .ui-12 { background: #ffb04f; background: url(); background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#212021 0,#80599F 100%) } [data-name="Widget.WhoAmITeaching"] .widget_mypplist .ui-13 { background: #292929; background: url(); background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#212021 0,#80599F 100%) } </Style> Obviously you will need to play around with the colours... ;
  17. What about an eportfolio collection viewer... so you can embed it on a site rather than having to find it in the FrogDrive?? @gbligh @Matt @Graham Quince
  18. By any chance do you use SIMs....... And do you call your year 9 ...... Year 09 in SIMs???
  19. Are you over your jet lag??? Im free when you are.... ish!!
  20. I tell you what... the one time you need @Graham Quince hes the other side of the world... and his FrogCode partner is crime @adamw is shirking his responsibilities.....
  21. Yep.... got it that how i go the picture and name..... however that seams to knack when you reopen the page!!
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