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Sue Busher

Frog Community Advocate
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Posts posted by Sue Busher

  1. @Simon Law @pconkie

    Thank you so much guys. Our preference is as Simon suggests as effectively once the files are moved into the appropriate folder its job done.

    So if I put a HTML wigdet on the page, together with a hidden network folder. would the code you suggest (providing I rename it to match our network drive and the menu file), the main menu HTML file would appear?


    <a href="file:///S:/Path/to/Your/MainMenu.html" target="_blank">Weekly Cover</a>
  2. @Simon Law Its so hard to describe. I am effectively after a menu which when clicked on would open the files. SIMS creates all these HTML documents and a master menu, if I use file drop, it doesn't display the master menu and shows all the documents - which is a bit overwhelming as we are a large school. However, as it wouldn't be me updating it every week, it would  need to be very simple to update. I can't drop the files as it contains personal data. Do you know how other schools have addressed this problem?

  3. OK. Despite my post ages ago, we didn't quite get it working how we'd have liked and I figure that other schools must have faced / fixed similar issues.

    So SIMS generates an HTML file and places it into a folder on our network.

    Our ideal would be for the system to automatically display what's in that folder on the network (rather than us having to upload it into the file drop widget) and for it to display as a series of hyper links e.g. :

    Cover for this coming week

    Monday, 30 Apr 2018

    Tuesday, 1 May 2018

    Wednesday, 2 May 2018

    Thursday, 3 May 2018

    Friday, 4 May 2018

    Saturday, 5 May 2018

    Sunday, 6 May 2018

    All of the dates are the files uploaded in the file drop widget, which when clicked on would open up.

    Has anyone created anything like this? Is it at all possible? Would really appreciate people sharing their 'cover pages' on Frog.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Does anyone know if it is possible for the forms Widget to use workflow? Obviously with the new updates with the form widgets, cost savings and GDPR, I was thinking that it would be a great addition to be able to send forms via a workflow process online.

    Does anyone use a system which does this or know how we could do it within Frog as it stands?

  5. Temporarily put the website 'live' and accessed it from home (outside school network) and it works fine. Would appear to be something behind our firewall stopping it working.

    Thanks for your help @pconkie @Simon Law


  6. On 28/04/2018 at 10:32, pconkie said:

    Try this on your fixtures page....

    <div tkf-wrap-guid="tkf-client-window-wrap-fullcalendar-1">
    <iframe title="calendar" name="tkf-client-window-embed-fullcalendar-1" src="https://events.kennetschool.co.uk/kennet?tags=fixture" style="height: 1721px;"></iframe>

    Get rid of everything else.

    replace tags=fixture for your other pages.

    Tried that and get the same  thing :( (shows the the first page but then doesn't load other pages unless I log out and back in again).

    I am going to try from home - outside the school environment to see if that fixtures it. Also tried embedding the white label as a website embed widget but got an error message (attached).

    Thank you for your help so far. Will update you tomorrow.

    Screen grab.PNG

  7. @pconkie

    Tockify has come back and said that there is nothing their end that would prevent multiple calendars on a site site or page.

    One thing did occur t them. The script we use to load Tockify is:

    <script>$.getScript( "https://public.tockify.com/browser/embed.js" ).done(function( script, textStatus ) {console.log( textStatus );}).fail(function( jqxhr, settings, exception ) {console.log( "There has been an error" );});</script>

    Whereas what we recommend is:

    <script data-cfasync="false" data-tockify-script="embed" src="https://public.tockify.com/browser/embed.js"></script>

    Perhaps it's part of the problem? However, that wasn't working for me.

    They then went on to re-emphasize that they can see our site no problem without an issue so it seems that it is more to do with our local environment.  Do you get the same problem as me?

  8. @Simon Law


    Any joy Simon? Tockify seem to think it could be one of the following (although are working blind and are guessing):

    Guess 1: The Frog environment you're in is deleting our embed code on the pages where it doesn't appear, possibly as a side effect of using client side navigation that rewrites the DOM. Calling _tkf.loadDeclaredCalendars() on page navigation might help if that's the issue.

    Guess 2: We are behind a firewall of some kind that's accidentally blocking the secondary loads of the calendar.

    Guess 3: Both of our browsers have a security plugin that's blocking the calendar in some circumstances.

    Guess 4: The Frog environment is overriding some of the browser's built in functions and that breaks the calendar. The reason the calendar works once could be that it runs before those changes are made.

    Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

  9. @Simon Law

    Me again, sorry Simon, I have embedded the code on a number of pages within our new website (Kennet School - not live yet). The code is slightly different on different pages as I am telling it to show only events relevantly tagged for that page. However, the first time I visit the page, I see the calendar. When I go to another page on the site, it doesn't appear. If I log out and back in, go to the page it didn't appear on, it appears, but then when I go to another page with the code on it doesn't,

    Any ideas why this would happen? It is happening in both Chrome and IE.

  10. @pconkie


    I am so sorry to ask again, but we were given a bit more code and I can't seem to get it to display again. Would you mind working your magic once again - I promise I will try not to bother you again.


    <div data-tockify-component="calendar" data-tockify-calendar="kennet" data-tockify-tags="fixture"
    $.getScript( "https://public.tockify.com/browser/embed.js" )
      .done(function( script, textStatus ) {
        console.log( textStatus );
      .fail(function( jqxhr, settings, exception ) {
        console.log( "There has been an error" );

  11. @Simon Law @Graham Quince  The code has changed but I am still seeing the stretching of the images on my iphone. I haven't used the new image carosuel as not really got to grips with it. Is there any training videos? As you say, at least it would be supported.



  12. @Simon LawIt is our new website ' Kennet School' which I am building. Graham Quince has helped me work out the table issues but I can't seem to get the slideshow on the home page to work. Screengrabs below:

    .5ad4ce9aea1fe_Mobilescreengrab.thumb.PNG.9d8dc18a8ffd59653942e9155b9467ad.PNG5ad4ce94407aa_Desktopscreengrab.thumb.PNG.6bc0e2b192cbc57e62d9a6de27423891.PNG Screen

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