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Everything posted by pconkie

  1. So many ideas but many of them start from the basis of having a filterable list of teaching staff.....for example: a list of all teachers of year 8. This code generate a list of all staff (teachers and admin staff) It returns some useful data But nothing that would easily allow me to get a list of teaching staff, let alone teachers of a particular year group. groups_concatenated looked promising in the json returned (see above) but it is always null. @adamw @Chris.Smith @Graham Quince is there a parameter in the above api that will fill the groups_concatenated? Thanks Paul
  2. this.options.siteLink Gets the name of the site.
  3. Seems fine now. Is this likely to be a problem in the future?
  4. We are having major functionality issues with frog (beginning about 24 hours ago). Ticket open with frog who are looking into it. Just wondering if anyone else is having the same issues? We can no longer create any assignments (except if assigning to a single student) groups cause the assignment creation process to fail (as does pressing the 'convert to individuals' button. We can no longer create a new user or edit an existing user. Notifications do not seem to appear (even when a user actually manages to do something that doesn't fail) Catastrophic really - especially as we do all homework on frog. Staff will lose faith if we can not remedy quickly. Anyone else? or any suggestions? Thanks Paul
  5. @adamw that is amazing! Would it look like that for students AND parents? The message a teacher gets to add when returning the assignment - does that appear anywhere? Is there some custom code i can add to my platform right now to do this or did you have to change some of the apis?
  6. True for the summary view but might be a bit odd on the details view?
  7. But this code is used by schools for holidays and inset days. So there might be other consequences
  8. Thanks Adam. So an option to turn off or hide the weekend would be useful in both detail and summary views. Setting default values for the date filters would be very useful too. Matching colours where possible would help parents understand the data better - eg present in details view is green tick and in pie chart all codes that mean present could be various shades of green. Pie chart better if % figures rather than totals were visible (in my opinion). Everything else above looks really useful - I was about to roll up my sleeves and sort this out with frogcode, but i'm currently rolling sleeves back down! Thanks
  9. @adamw setting default values for the date filters too please! I get so many parents asking why they can only see this months data. Have to explain about the filters!
  10. The old view isn't fit for purpose in my view and this should replace it as it is infinitely better....
  11. Somebody thought it would be a good idea to have Saturday and Sunday included as a type of 'absence' in the frog parent attendance widget? This student has 100% attendance ..... 'exceptional circumstances' seems to be for not coming to school on the two Sundays and one Saturday included in the date range. And how is 'null' different to 'no mark recorded'? Come on frog! Ok - question time (I think i know the answer) - how do i fix this? AND before @ADT says it...... I think this worked properly in frog 3
  12. Both, but probably more for work completed in books...
  13. This works great @adamw, thanks! Now i can add filters for academic year.... filters: {status: ["open", "closed", "archived"], issue_date: {from: 1504224000} },
  14. @Graham Quince Can you find out for me whether in this api... Frog.Model.api('assignmentreports.getData', { limit: "30", filters: {status: ["open", "closed", "archived"]}, report_name: "parent.child_assignments", offset: "0", options: {child_uuid: childuuid}, order: [{ direction: "desc", term: "due_date" }] }) There exists the option to filter by issue date? Thanks P
  15. Didn't realise I would have to update it so soon, but the da Vinci hotfix that is coming will break this FrogCode App. An update to the app can be found attached student lookup v2.txt P
  16. Ah, yes, that was it - thanks
  17. I'm sure @Graham Quince told me that using the users app and admin user could impersonate another user. Does this feature exist? P
  18. This is a bit of a hack. We can ask our friend @Graham Quince for the source code, then we can add a preference for setting default values for these filters!
  19. Increase the delay until it works - change the 1000 (this means 1 second) to 2000 or 3000. See if that does it
  20. I have added a 1 second delay before the drop down is changed and triggered. I think the code i gave you before is running before the homework calendar has finished rendering... This should do it: <script> var widget_content_uuid = "4DDA0D5B20028655EEB7CF568718800FE28B218C162B5AAD"; var subject_uuid = "91364F1520031DB70162AFEE72134306E4B0D0CC582444B7"; setTimeout(function(){ $("div [data-content-uuid="+widget_content_uuid+"] select[name=subject_name]:first").val(subject_uuid).change(); }, 1000); </script>
  21. <script> var widget_content_uuid = "4DDA0D5B20028655EEB7CF568718800FE28B218C162B5AAD"; var subject_uuid = "91364F1520031DB70162AFEE72134306E4B0D0CC582444B7"; $("div [data-content-uuid="+widget_content_uuid+"] select[name=subject_name]:first").val(subject_uuid).change(); </script> Finally this in a html widget at the bottom of the page the homework calendar is on ...... Change the two variables to match the subject you want it to show and which widget you want to target....
  22. Once you have a subject uuid you will need the data-content-uuid - this is unique for every widget, so we do not need to worry about other sites open with a homework calendar or two of the same widget on the same page..... Fins this using the right click -- inspect in chrome data-content-uuid
  23. OK - you'll need to find a few things first..... You will need to know what your subject uuids are. I don't know if these are the same across different boxes? e.g on my box (easy) science is 91364F1520031DB70162AFEE72134306E4B0D0CC582444B7 and computer science is: 91364ED12003103FC455BF3B2AC45F0F6387D3FC2A258A05 I found these by looking carefully at the code for the drop down box once the widget was on a page. Or you could look in the network section of the chrome console like so
  24. @ADT I'm thinking this would be good for Heads of Department to have too (homework calendar has a Public mode)
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