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Graham Quince

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Everything posted by Graham Quince

  1. Hi @pconkie, I'm also having issues with installing widgets and have reported it to the developers. I think a fix has been made and is being checked currently. Sorry about this Graham
  2. Graham Quince

    Up a level?

    Yes - it should, but when i visited your platform, it was behaving correctly. So my guess is it's done by naming... hence if you can tell me where to look, we can see if we can spot the cause.
  3. Graham Quince

    Up a level?

    I reckon it's an ordering thing. Looking at your screenshot, the first file starts with a number, whereas the up a level folder seems to have a name of 3 dots. Can you let me know where to find this on a site and I'll see if i can spot anything before i write a ticket up.
  4. Hi @pconkie We've removed that functionality from the MyFrog app, but i think you'd need to look at using the HTML widget to prevent swiping as there is no setting for swiping. Graham
  5. Graham Quince

    Up a level?

    Hi @ADT Is this still happening for you?
  6. Hi @pdurber, I think we've answered this in emails and separate posts now. I'm just clearing up the support section. If anyone is interested in our current offering, you can find out more here: https://www.frogeducation.com/community/training/office365 There are plans for further integration, but nothing I can be specific about at the moment.
  7. I've also been experimenting with the HTML widget, and this code can be set to email you when someone accesses Frog via IE11: <script> function GetIEVersion() { var sAgent = window.navigator.userAgent; var Idx = sAgent.indexOf("MSIE"); if (Idx > 0) { // If IE, return version number. return parseInt(sAgent.substring(Idx+ 5, sAgent.indexOf(".", Idx))); } else if (!!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/7\./)) { // If IE 11 then look for Updated user agent string. return 11; } else { return 0; // It is not IE } } if (GetIEVersion() > 0) { var user = FrogOS ? FrogOS.getUser() : this.getUser(); FrogOS.fdp({ url: 'email/sendmessage', path: '/api/fdp/1/', type: 'POST', data: { subject: "Internet Explorer User detected", message: user.displayname+" ( username: "+user.username+" ) accessed Frog via Internet Explorer. You might want to contact them to inform them about it being deprecated.", to: "[YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS]", cc: '', bcc: '', send_individual_messages: false } }).done(function(response) { //console.log("done"); }).fail(function(e) { // Report Error console.log("failed"); }); } </script> You may need to grant Email FDP access in Groups & Policies. The first part of the code uses browser detection / detects the browser using UserAgent
  8. Internet Explorer 11 is no longer a safe browser for your data. It’s official! Between December 2020 and April 2021, Microsoft will be ending support for Internet Explorer 11 (IE11). From December onwards, whilst it will still be accessible, some features will stop working and crucially the end of support from Microsoft means IE11 is no longer a safe place for your data. IE11 was released in 2013, and Microsoft superseded it less than two years later, when Edge became the default browser for Windows in 2015. Today it accounts for just 1.4% of internet traffic. What does this mean for my school’s Frog? Ideally your users should not be using IE11 anyway, but some may be using it from home. As the browser itself is no longer supported by Microsoft, there may be some features within Frog that stop working as a result. We will be unable to apply fixes for them to work in IE11 as this will affect their performance in modern, secure browsers which need to be used. What do I need to do? Relay this message to your teachers, students, parents, governors with the recommendation that if they are using Internet Explorer 11 they should switch to Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or one of the many other alternatives that work safely and securely in Frog. As Internet Explorer is not on tablets, smart phones or Mac computers, this will only affect Windows computer users.
  9. Different API - which brings back information in a different format. Paul uses assignmentreports.getData which returns all the information he needs. I used the FDP's assignment.getAssigned which contains all the information I needed. If I was to use the other API, I would need to make further API calls - which would slow down the search and add strain to the server.
  10. Graham Quince

    Forms Control

    Hi @pdurber Sorry, i took last week off. The User Picker field in forms can serve this purpose. You can limit it to students, which will then just list a parent's children.
  11. This widget is the idea of John Parsons at Winston Churchill, but it's already gone into a few schools. Seems some students have figured out they can click the Hand-in button on an assignment and this removes the work from their To-Do list. Teacher can and do return the assignment to the pupils, re-opening it, but John wanted tutors and Heads-of-Year to be able to check on a child and get a report on all their assignments. While you can (sort-of) admire the thinking of these children, it's best if we can identify them and this widget takes care of that. https://www.frogeducation.com/community/frogcode/frogcode-showcase/assignmentactivity Notes: This widget uses the Select User widget to search for a student. You can find this in Widgets > Advanced. In order for this widget to work, the following Frog Developer Platform APIs must be enabled via Groups & Policies (either for the Staff Profile or a group)
  12. Graham Quince

    Alison Brown

    Hi @Tinpan When you talk about wanting to set work and have it not appear to students until the morning of, does the available from date not give you that flexibility? Once assigned, you can edit the instructions, title and classes, as well as dates. EDIT Apologies, I've just checked your set up, Assign a page is only available in FrogLearn: However, if you would prefer to prepare assignments in advance and only publish them to students on the morning of, I think the Assign Page function on a site is the closest to the option you describe: https://www.frogeducation.com/community/training/homework/preparinghomeworkinadvance Graham
  13. Hi @pdurber This area of the community site has some information about FrogParent: https://www.frogeducation.com/community/training/administratortraining/frogparent But in this case, it might be easier to speak. I'll email you and we can arrange a time. Graham
  14. Hi @pdurber Are you getting an error message on the import? If that's the case, then I've been looking around, but the only other options would be to use a comment field in an Attainment Aspect in FrogParent
  15. I've had a look through the document and i don't think you can specify fields: https://support.frogeducation.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/froglearn---sims-extractor-configuration We might be left with either this tutorial: or the FrogParent Attainment Table route
  16. Is there a checkbox in the extractor for MIS Username? Just checking your product set up, you do have FrogParent - would it be possible to use an attainment aspect to pass the data over? I'm asking as I don't know SIMS that well. We can then either use the attainment table widget or HTML widget to get the personal information out.
  17. Hi @pdurber Location is a type of group, so it's safe to assume that if this is not populated in the MIS currently, (provided you don't start using it in the MIS), you should be able to add your own data to it. I'd suggest testing it first though (i.e. make a change to a few students, run an MIS import via System Preferences and see if that change remains). The benefit of this being a group is that you can use various API calls to display the data Example: Frog.Model.api('groups.getFor', { identity: child.uuid, group_type: "location" }).done(function(groupResponse) { // do something }); Groups are separated with the export by the | symbol and you'll use a CSV to import them, so that rules out '|' and ',' to add additional variables, but there's nothing stopping you using a different character to separate your data. This would be more secure than the tutorial I posted which uses an HTML to store all information. To view student details another student would need to know their classmate's Frog UUID - which is highly unlikely. Of course, the groups would have to be created first - and unique for each student. - MIS Username - I'm not sure - this might be in use and would be overwritten by the MIS if it came into use. I'd be happy to work with you on this - we might get something other schools could use.
  18. Hi @Chris Goluch I've spoken with some of our senior developers. Microsoft are not phasing out ADFS. As far as we all know, there have been no statements made to that effect. There is a growing sentiment among IT bloggers that ADFS should come to an end, but that is not the same. Having said that, we also offer Azure simple-sign-on. This authentication method does require you to sign into Frog, but once signed in, you can open any other systems without having to sign in again. (provided these have been configured to use Azure). Graham
  19. This link: https://www.frogeducation.com/community/product-updates/ideas-portal I've filled out the form with your email address.
  20. Hi @Chris Goluch I (personally) was not aware that ADFS was being phased out. But I bet the development team know. I'll mention it just in case. The user experience when a school has ADFS enabled is that they either: log into their network computer, open their browser (usually set with Frog as the homepage) and they are logged in straight away visit Frog via their school's website, enter their username, at which point Frog redirects them to an ADFS login portal, which they then enter their password for and are sent back to Frog, all logged in. There wouldn't need to be different login details. I will mention your suggestion, but it is also worth using the Ideas Portal to log it and flag it up to the Product team too.
  21. Hi @Chris Goluch From reading your post (and thank you btw), it sounds like you don't know about the ADFS authentication we offer. This does everything you've described above. It's not OAuth, but achieves the same thing you're after. Graham
  22. Or actually, if you're on Windows, holding the Windows key and tapping . brings up a whole list of emojis. Just discovered that
  23. I found this website last night, it makes it really easy to find special characters and use them in Frog's widgets (not just the text widget either) Thought I'd share: https://copychar.cc/
  24. Graham Quince

    Frog Play Video

    Hi @Becky You cannot directly assign a video to a student, instead when you assign a quiz, the video appears as a link within that quiz. Hope that makes sense, Graham
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