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Posts posted by adamw

  1. 15 minutes ago, altreed said:

    We need this on a un authenticated webpage, not once they have logged into frog. 


    One of  the frog support team tried to do this, but they couldn't achieve it, they suggested I look on the frog code forum.  But I have no idea how to edit an external webpage on frog.

    You can do this - just share the page and make it public on the web. You don't need to be logged in to submit the form. The only caveats to worry about are the advanced form elements that require certain rights to be able to be used - for example, you couldn't use the 'user select' field type or the 'file upload' field type - as those require permissions from a logged in user. Everything else should work fine.

    I just tested this with a quick form on a public site, when not logged in. I set the form to email the response to me and this is what I got back as an email:


    Anonymous has submitted a response to the form External form test on site Form Test.
    The response is summarised below:
    Username: frog.anonymous
    Name: Anonymous
    Date/Time Submission: 12th Nov - 3:04pm
    Click to edit label:: test1
    Click to edit label:: Enter option label...
    Click to edit label:: Friday, 30th November, 2018

    Obviously my form is gibberish, as I just threw random things on it - yours should make more sense. Also, note that the user when not logged in shows as frog.anonymous.

    Hope this helps!

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, ADT said:

    When you say PDF's in SIMs......  will this mean lots of extra work for our exam staff??? 

    Honestly I don't know how this works in SIMS - it could be as simple as pushing a button, or it could be a nightmare! It might be part of the SIMS exam timetable stuff to allow you to do that. Best people to speak to about that would be your SIMS tech support contact.

  3. Hi Dave,

    Sounds like you could do this with a form in Frog. Create a new site, add a new form and build it up using the form builder to have all the fields you want it to have. When you put the form on the page you can configure it to send an email on submission to any email address you like.

    The email will contain the form responses.


  4. Sounds like a sensible idea. Would need a little bit of thought around how this may affect other areas in the platform. For example, if we only allow users to see groups they're a leader of, would we still allow them to see other groups when setting assignments? What about when sharing sites etc... 

    Still, I think there's something to that suggestion - I haven't checked the idea-pad for it yet, If it's not already on there it would be a good addition. 

    I'll keep it in the back of my mind and give it some more thought,

  5. 1 hour ago, ADT said:

    Have you had any initial thoughts @adamw....  it just seams crazy that Frog cant do this...  when your competitors can..... when all secondary schools.... have to give students exam timetables....  so if it was electronic and on Frog...  means they cant lose it!! :P


    I've raised this internally again here so that everyone is aware that this is something that people have been asking for. We've been in contact with Capita and they are still planning on surfacing this information via SIMS reports (which our existing extractor will be able to access) but they have no ETA on when that will be available.

    Another option put forward was to have these exam timetables as PDF's that exist in SIMS as linked documents. If they all went into a new category, then we could show this information via the SIMS linked document widget.

    As I mentioned, I've raised this here at the highest levels so they are aware that this is a requested feature, and I'll keep you up to date with any further information on this.

    In the meantime, I'm happy to look at any alternatives for displaying this information, such as taking an exported file from SIMS and rendering it out. 

  6. 12 hours ago, pconkie said:

    Maybe I've not refereed to the images that are packaged with the widget correctly in code.  Certainly seems like the paths do not work once the widget has been installed on another platform.  Can someone from frog @adamw ? have a look at the main.ejs file and advise if this is the problem?  Thanks  Paul.

    I had a very similar issue a few days ago - where is Chris when you need him?! I found that the way to do this is to reference the files in css the following way:

    background: url(package/widgets/B35B0FAE2001BA4583358F788054010052AAAE3C7C7E8B8C/assets/myfilenamehere.png);

    I think before the app is installed - i.e. when you're first developing it, then you need to use a different path for the images, which is what threw me off - you have to reference the 'staging' path. I'll have to check the exact path and get back to you - but once it's installed it seems to be much easier!

    So in short, you don't need to reference the files by resource uuid, just use a path like above.

    Hopefully that helps!?

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Graham Quince said:

    @adamw is there a preference to point to a file in FrogDrive or a way to do this in FrogCode

    I don't think so. Frogdrive lets you filter down the types of files I think, but not point to a single file. It sounds like the best way to sort this is to make the preview app understand ebook files and launch the reader. We'd have to look into how easy that would be add in.

  8. On 24/10/2018 at 16:43, gbligh said:

    I'd be happy to send you anything you need to test this? I can send over an example exam timetable in the format it comes out from SIMS?


    Sorry for the late reply, I was on annual leave last week :)

    Feel free to send anything over and I'll have a look. Can't promise anything will come of it, but I don't mind having a peek and seeing what we're up against. Just a note though, due to GDPR - could you make sure that anything you send me has been anonymised first? That way we don't run into any data protection issues.

  9. We've had some people ask recently if it's possible to force hand in an assignment for a user / users - in case the student forgets or otherwise doesn't hand it in. 

    Here are a couple of screenshots from our development build of the markbook:


    From here you can quickly mark all as handed in, which does exactly as it says - hands in the assignment for all users assigned to it.


    Or here, on an individual level - Adding  a mark automatically hands it in, as does setting any of the other statuses (with exception to 'returned')


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 minute ago, gbligh said:

    There used to be a bit on Frog3 where there was a way round it - https://kb.froginfra.net/index.php/Exam_Timetables_-_Frogweb

    Can we replicate this in Learn in any way?

    We don't have FrogWeb in FrogLearn, but it may be possible to create a widget that can read data from an uploaded file (or even a file that exists on your internal network) and then render it out. Without seeing the format that SIMS exports this data in I can't be any more specific than that unfortunately!

  11. On 15/10/2018 at 20:19, ADT said:

    That would be my hope @Graham Quince @SteveH

    I have spoken to the MIS / SIMS Oracle here, and the problem is that exam timetable data is a bolt-on module in SIMS (or at least it used to be) and not a part of core SIMS - and there is no facility for us to be able to extract this data. We simply don't have access to it.

    That's my understanding of things anyhow.

    We have spoken to Capita about this in the past and their response was to "hold on - something is coming"

  12. @Phil Stiles

    The problem you're having is that you're setting the hp variable inside the api done callback function, which you can't access from outside - so your code that access the variable:

    document.getElementById("HP").innerHTML = hp

    Won't find anything. Also, because the call is asynchronous, it will actually try and render that variable on the page before it's gotten the result back from the API. The fix should be quite simple, all you need to do is to write the variable to the page inside the done function. I haven't tested this, but try something like the following::

             'widget.live': function(el, ev, data) {
        			// Setup Variables    
        			var user;
        			// Use Frog's API to get the logged in student
        			user = FrogOS.getUser();
        			// Use Frog's API to Get Behaviour Totals    
        			Frog.Model.api('behaviour.getBehaviourTotals', { student_uuid: user.uuid }).done(function(getBehaviourTotals) {
                		var hp = getBehaviourTotals.data.pos.year;

    Let me know how you get on!

  13. 2 minutes ago, ADT said:

    Probably not...  the way some companies "handle" authentication is crazy!!! 9_9

    Yeah, it's the ones that send the password along with the request in clear-text that boggle my mind.

    • Haha 1
  14. I had a quick scan of the papercut API's last week and was a bit concerned about how they handled authentication - but I think I may have been looking at the older docs :)

    Looks good - I'm sure @Graham Quince will be tapping you for the files!

  15. 1 hour ago, ADT said:

    Just wondering why there is a limit of 5 additional dashboards and then user/timeline (timeline by the way i turn off)??

    Why cant we have more??

    Ive got my admin account set up to i can flip between dashboards...  Parents, Students, Staff, Governor, Staff Documents so i can change them easily and i want to add my MAT concept Dashboard but I've ran out of pips!! ;)

    Possibly for performance reasons - especially on mobile devices (on which I think we restrict the number of open sites to five). Might be worth adding it to the idea portal. I'd be interested to hear if other people feel that the limit needs to be increased?

  16. Try:

    <table class="housepoints">
    var user;
        // Use Frog's API to get the logged in student
        user = FrogOS.getUser();
    // Use Frog's API to get Behaviour points
        student_uuid: user.uuid,
            '<tr><td>' + behaviourResponse.data.pos.year + '</td></tr>'

    @Phil Stiles

    • Thanks 1
  17. 2 hours ago, ADT said:

    Don't suppose any one has used/are using PaperCut???

    Don't know anything about it but we are getting it in and wondered if there was a way to display credits on Frog??  Assuming it does print credits??

    Thanks in advanced!!


    Never heard of it personally. @Graham Quince probably has though :P - what is it? Do you have a link to their site?

  18. 9 minutes ago, pconkie said:


    IMO there is nothing wrong with a teacher being able to see the assignments of any student. The example you give of a tutor is the classic case of this.

    The issue as I see it is, this isn't the only thing that assignment monitor does.  It could be argued that this isn't even the primary purpose of assignment monitor.

    What do you see when you open the app? The ability to look up the assignments of a student? - no. But it is very easy to click on the name of a teacher and look at the number of assignments they have set. Useful for SLT and HODs (although better if it was only teachers in their respective department) but not for everyone else. As I said earlier - this is potentially sensitive stuff.    

    Yes, you can click on "View Assignments" and then type the name of a student....but you can also type the name of a teacher!  Apart from the sensitive information that teachers would have access to we also restrict this particular app because:

    • It takes too long for a tutor to monitor the assignments of their pupils - click to open app, click to view assignments, click into search box, type name, click to select student, click to re-select all assignments (because the tabs change by themselves after selecting an individual). Then to have to repeat for each student?!  We have used FrogCode to create something much faster.
    • It doesn't give accurate figures - if you are going to challenge a member of staff about a lack of assignments then you need to have accurate figures! Graph doesn't match the list when teachers have added multiple recipients (which happens all the time).

    Thanks for the reply. When you look at the screenshots I sent above to do with the Markbook we're creating - does this look like it would be of more use? It works in the same way as progression charts, in that you create your own markbooks (or can favourite other peoples). You create a markbook for a group, academic year, tag (year7, year8 etc...) and a subject. The markbook will then get all the students in the selected group and draw a chart as shown in one of the images. 

    To me, this gets around the problem of having to type in the student names as you can just read them down and see all the data tabulated on one chart. From here you can also mark, return, close, or hand in assignments (including the new bulk hand in for all students functionality).

    Does any of the above cause you any concerns?


    But it is very easy to click on the name of a teacher and look at the number of assignments they have set. Useful for SLT and HODs (although better if it was only teachers in their respective department) but not for everyone else. As I said earlier - this is potentially sensitive stuff. 

    I must admit I'm having trouble understanding what you consider to be 'sensitive' information when it comes to assignments - could you give an example? Am I missing something obvious? (that can happen to me a lot :p) - because I don't understand how seeing what other teachers have assigned to students could be sensitive? Is it that there would be friction between staff who have set more / less than their peers?

    Basically, I'm trying to figure out how I turn these problems into code that fixes or at least reduces them.

  19. 4 minutes ago, pconkie said:

    I would agree. The data within assignment monitor is sensitive.

    Can you help clarify this point? Why shouldn't a teacher be able to see the assignments set to any student? For example, a form tutor may want to check how one of their students is doing - should they not be able to see all the assignments set by any teacher to that student? What about teachers who are covering lessons? 

    This is all useful information when it comes to us developing the markbook! For a contrasting view - the schools we've spoken to about this have mostly had the opposite view - that any teacher should be able to see any assignment on the system. Especially HOD's and such, so they can ensure that enough homework is being set etc... 

    Is this something that would cause problems in your case at school?


  20. 3 hours ago, ADT said:

    And for those of us who cant get to these meetings???? :(

    No doubt there will be posts across various social media platforms! Keep an eye on the #frogreveal hashtag.

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