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  1. Hey all, I was driving into school today and had a revelation and wanted to get your opinions about it. I know you are on a bank holiday this weekend. We have Memorial Day so I won't be on till Tuesday as well. One of the items that has really interested me is micro-credentialing or badging. Basically it is getting badges for accomplishing different activities and meeting certain competencies. See https://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2016/03/30/can-micro-credentialing-salvage-teacher-pd.html or https://study.com/academy/popular/what-is-micro-credentialing.html for more information about them. I believe that they could really help both teachers and students demonstrate growth. I had seen @Sean_M's comments about digital badges as well as the discussion, the discussion of house points and the awards, which led me to really think deep on this issue. So here we go with Matt's wild musings. I am not sure how complicated this would be to implement, and I know that it would not be a quick fix because it hits many different systems. 1. Adjust the group fields to include a joined date into the displayed data. I would love to be able to search a group by join date (ascending or descending). 2. Allow an option for the individual who creates the group to set a time of group end on their group so that it automatically deletes all members of the group when that date hits. Set the default as not to delete, but give it as an option 3. Add a micro credential group as a type of group like house, location, and class 4. Add a field in each group that allows you to upload an icon for the group. This would allow you to have different icons to show membership. 5. Create a widget that would allow you to display the icons based on group membership. If you don't want to add this for all of the groups, create the credentials group that allows for a single icon to be used. Then have a widget that does it called my credentials that would display the credentials to the screen. Now here is where the rubber meets the road: Using the ePortfolios, have each teacher create an online resume that can be linked to the main Frog Page or Website for the school. These would be online portfolios with contact info, the teacher's credentials and accomplishments. Part of the portfolio would be to display their credentials to the community. They could also have a link to their email and their academic history. A credential should only last for 2 years or less, that is where the date joined comes in. The director/ head teacher/ other person with this job could then sort by date on the credentials and delete those who would be 2 or more years old. (It would also allow for an easier clearing of classes so we don't have to call Frog every year.) My thoughts would be that including the credentials on student and teacher portfolios would allow parents to see a more professional atmosphere. They can see how amazing your staff is and that they are constantly growing as teachers and individuals. It would allow schools to recognize teacher growth over time and see that they have been pushing for new and exciting ideas and implementing new methods of teaching that they have learned. So as I have said, wild musings... I have yet to put this in the idea portal as it would be a series of changes and does not fit in to there. @ADT I would love to see your response as we sometimes have very different viewpoints. @Graham Quince This is something I think we talked about doing through Progress, but this may be a more elegant solution. Really, I would love to know the thoughts of those in the UK if this would work and if it is a much or little work as I think it is. Matt McLaughlin American Teacher and Technologist @emoseley
  2. Hi All A staff member brought up incorporating Digital Badges into Frog (for free). I was wondering if anyone had any experience with them, I hadn't really come across them before but some info and e.g. here; https://openbadges.org/ https://www.iteachgroup.com/digitalbadges Looks perfect to add to e-portfolios, Anything on this floating around already? Any thoughts to cleverly issue them, display on student e-portfolios but also allow them to be taken with them once they leave school. Any integrations into the Frog platform possible? Thanks, Sean.
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