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Frog Community Advocate
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  1. gbligh's post in Frog Play Quiz was marked as the answer   
    This might help Paul - https://www.frogeducation.com/community/training/mini-guides/cookiesissue
  2. gbligh's post in File upload on e-portfolios was marked as the answer   
    I have done this in the past:
    Create a separate site with a File Drop on it. In the widget settings, ensure the 'Individual' file setting is selected. Share it with contribute rights to the correct group. use the Insert Frog Page widget to then place the File Drop on an eportfolio template. This way, you can go the original site with the File Drop on it, and use the Download All feature.
  3. gbligh's post in SCORM Packages was marked as the answer   
    Hi Sue,
    Does this video help? - 
    Hi folks, just in case of people searching...it has come to our attention that this method for hosting SCORM files no longer works.  Google deprecated hosting files via Drive in 2016.  We're still looking for a short term solution and will post when we find one.
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