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  1. I was thinking the other day about integration between the platforms and really got to the point where I want progress to be more powerful. What I would like to see happen is an automatic evidence uplink between play, learn and progress. The link through learn and progress would be based on the assignment and can be part of the assigning where you set the different standards or better yet part of the widgets where the specific widget connects. I would also love to see FrogPlay quizzes either the questions(preferable) or the quiz itself become standards based. This would then upload into FrogProgress where you can set thresholds say everything up to a 70 is orange and 71+ is green (make this set by administration). Teachers can go in and change the color and put notes in the old way as well. I put a idea portal in on this https://ideas.frogcommunity.com/ideas/FRG-I-1197 and would love to see votes. Matt
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