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Posts posted by altreed

  1. Sorry, maybe I am sounding a bit confusing.

    I would like to create a page called service.asp on the external outward facing element of the Froglearn server.  To access this page does not require logging into Froglearn.

    I would like to be able to access the page using url    http://frogserver/service.asp?v1=x&v2=y

    The service.asp page would be able to receive the posted variables v1 and v2 then process the information and send an email to a designated recipient.

    Hopefully this has clarified the objective. 

    I can edit my Windows webserver at home, but find Froglearn very different to what I am used to.



  2. We need this on a un authenticated webpage, not once they have logged into frog. 


    One of  the frog support team tried to do this, but they couldn't achieve it, they suggested I look on the frog code forum.  But I have no idea how to edit an external webpage on frog.

  3. Hi,

    I am new to Frog and subsequently confused!  We are migrating from Frog3 to Froglearn.

    I need to create a webpage that can receive variables, format and send an email to a member of staff. e.g http://frog.public.web.site/process.asp?v1=x&v2=y

    We used a ASP/PHP page on a rented webserver to do this, but I now need to do this through frog as we are losing our external hosting. 

    Has anyone got any pointers that can get me started?



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