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Everything posted by HewsonJ

  1. Thanks, I know that the id in the iframe should be name but so far I can't get it to work.
  2. We've embedded a website using HTML (because the page we've embedded was so small using the built in widget was a literal waste of space) but I am wondering if you can execute JavaScript within the HTML widget? <script> window.setInterval("reloadIFrame();", 3000); function reloadIFrame() { document.frames["Name1"].location.reload(); } </script> <iframe src="URL" id="Name1" style=" height: 70px; border:0px; padding:0px; margin:0px;"></iframe> Is it my code that's incorrect (should it be the name tag rather than id in the iframe for example) or is it just a limitation of the widget we're using? It's a status checker for another service we use that allows us to see if the service needs restarting at any of our schools.
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