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24 minutes ago, pconkie said:

There is an ePortfolio user details widget that @Graham Quince wrote. You can download it form the community page if not already on your box.  This will do the trick!

Yep....  got it that how i go the picture and name.....  however that seams to knack when you reopen the page!!


3 hours ago, ADT said:

So after a quick play i came up with....


Is there a way to auto populate other info on this page???  Say Form, Year Group if they are PP SEND etc??

@adamw @Graham Quince

I think there is a group type of 'year' so you should be able to use our api's to get the group for a user with type of year, and use that. I'm a bit snowed under at the moment - maybe @Graham Quince might have some ideas?

On 07/06/2019 at 15:14, adamw said:

I think there is a group type of 'year' so you should be able to use our api's to get the group for a user with type of year, and use that. I'm a bit snowed under at the moment - maybe @Graham Quince might have some ideas?

I tell you what...  the one time you need @Graham Quince hes the other side of the world...  and his FrogCode partner is crime @adamw is shirking his responsibilities..... :P

3 hours ago, ADT said:

I tell you what...  the one time you need @Graham Quince hes the other side of the world...  and his FrogCode partner is crime @adamw is shirking his responsibilities..... :P

Yeah, but we're making some awesome stuff here, so I'm sure you'll let me off ?

40 minutes ago, adamw said:

Yeah, but we're making some awesome stuff here, so I'm sure you'll let me off ?

We'll be the judge of that.... ;)


This is awesome. Thank you for sharing.

I have a little issue with it. It picks out the students who are pp. but also puts a placeholder for the rest of the students I teach. here's a snapshot

The 2 with red name bars are PP. the rest aren't  (we aren't pulling photos in yet. We're still setting up.)

Is this to do with some system setting? Or maybe our MIS link?



@pdurber I haven't seen this before.  What browser are you using?  If the widget creates a placeholder it must match the rule that is being used to determine if the student is PP.  The other odd thing is that it the coloured bar denotes year group - but those you say are not PP do not have a colour (suggesting that their year group can not be matched). What year groups do you have? As for a systems setting, none should be required. However it might be worth going into the users app and looking up the details of some of these incorrectly matched student to check that frog contains accurate data.



OK, thanks I'll have a look. I tend to use Chrome. We have years 9-13.. 

I've been and had a look. I think it's the year 9's, and they are PP etc.. How do I change the bar colour for year 9?


11 hours ago, pdurber said:

OK, thanks I'll have a look. I tend to use Chrome. We have years 9-13.. 

I've been and had a look. I think it's the year 9's, and they are PP etc.. How do I change the bar colour for year 9?


By any chance do you use SIMs....... And do you call your year 9 ...... Year 09 in SIMs???

54 minutes ago, pdurber said:

Yes. On both counts..

So i have stuck a HTML brick on the page and added this code


[data-name="Widget.WhoAmITeaching"] .widget_mypplist .ui-x {
    background: #292929;
    background: url();
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#212021 0,#80599F 100%)
[data-name='Widget.WhoAmITeaching'] .widget_mypplist .ui-10 {
    background: #fff;
    background: url();
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#636F03 0,#828C35 100%)
[data-name="Widget.WhoAmITeaching"] .widget_mypplist .ui-11 {
    background: #fff;
    background: url();
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#BD2B0B 0,#CA553C 100%)
[data-name="Widget.WhoAmITeaching"] .widget_mypplist .ui-9 {
    background: #ff3019;
    background: url();
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#11729E 0,#1688BB 100%)
[data-name="Widget.WhoAmITeaching"] .widget_mypplist .ui-12 {
    background: #ffb04f;
    background: url();
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#212021 0,#80599F 100%)
[data-name="Widget.WhoAmITeaching"] .widget_mypplist .ui-13 {
    background: #292929;
    background: url();
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#212021 0,#80599F 100%)

Obviously you will need to play around with the colours...  ;;)

  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, pdurber said:

Yes. On both counts..

You might also need to check to see if you have the latest version of Conkies App!  The first version didn't like Year 09!!!

9 minutes ago, pdurber said:

Awesome. Thank you

ADT - I only downloaded it this week, so assume it is the latest version.

Well just stick my code into a HTML widget and see what happens....

Hopefully it'll work.....  then it will be a matter of playing with colours!!.

17 hours ago, ADT said:

Well just stick my code into a HTML widget and see what happens....

Hopefully it'll work.....  then it will be a matter of playing with colours!!.

@ADT coding?   Colour me impressed ?



5 minutes ago, Graham Quince said:

@ADT coding?   Colour me impressed ?



I do try....  sometimes..... ;)

And to be honest its only styling...  not real geeky feeky stuff!! :P

41 minutes ago, pdurber said:

Works perfectly. Thank you.

He shoots...  he scores.....  it was only a matter of time!!  :D

  • 1 month later...

@pconkie @Graham Quince Is there a way i can get my test student account to appear in the SEN list???  

Currently non of my kids show up...  which i assume is something to do with the summer and SIMs being updated...........  and i want to demo it first day back in September!!!

Thanks in advance!!! :D

On 11/08/2019 at 10:04, ADT said:

@pconkie @Graham Quince Is there a way i can get my test student account to appear in the SEN list???  

Currently non of my kids show up...  which i assume is something to do with the summer and SIMs being updated...........  and i want to demo it first day back in September!!!

Thanks in advance!!! :D

You could try importing some new users with the SEN field. Probably with a Value of Y - which might make the test students appear in that list. Worth a try anyway.



21 hours ago, adamw said:

You could try importing some new users with the SEN field. Probably with a Value of Y - which might make the test students appear in that list. Worth a try anyway.



I changed the test students SENs status in the user app!!  Would I need to go through the faff of a csv upload!! 

  • 2 weeks later...

This is an excellent widget.

Is there (or can there be) a whole school version of this. So a member of staff can go onto a page, which shows all the pp/SEN etc. students for the whole school?

  • 2 months later...

Great widget - I've installed this on our school platform and the feedback I've had from staff has been great.

A couple of bits of constructive feedback if this widget is being revisited at any stage:

  • Ideally the year group and students form group would be listed alongside the colour coding.
  • All students of the same year group to be grouped together.
  • Ability for teachers to filter by their own class lists.

Keep up the good work @pconkie

  • 1 year later...

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