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Embed documents from OneDrive Issue!


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So I followed the tutorial on here...  but we don't have a link which says "View link - no sign-in required" so I went for the next best option "View link- (BLANK!!!!) Schools account required"!!  So after that went through the rest of the steps and it all seams to work for me!!  PPT is on a page!!! Yahoo!!!

So share this with others but when they open the page where the PowerPoint should it asks them to log into SharePoint....  ok....  but then says they cant see the file they need to seek permission?????  Thought this was an issue with us....  but strangly the external link buttons ive added to link to worksheets etc seam to work????

Any ideas???



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@ADT Sounds like you need to make some amendments within the Admin panel to get this setting made available. I couldn't tell you exactly which setting it is but it appears there for us.

However, regardless of this setting to get a PowerPoint to display publicly on a site (for people who are not logged in to office 365 within the same browser) we had to paste the link in to some code then use that embed code in a HTML widget.

Follow guidance below.


Public embed for 365 documents


1. Go to document and get view only link as pasted below




2. Copy the iframe code from frog and paste in to document too


<iframe src='https://holmfirthhighco-my.sharepoint.com/personal/c_langstaff_holmfirthhigh_co_uk/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=UImRA0YbUkAYOaVjzJrSL3D34g4om1O2h04Bm6qirpI%3d&docid=0060a53bc51f34dbaa6bb3e19888e8553&rev=1&action=embedview&wdStartOn=1' width='100%' height='800px;' frameborder='0'>This is an embedded <a target='_blank' href='https://office.com'>Microsoft Office</a> document, powered by <a target='_blank' href='https://office.com/webapps'>Office Online</a>.</iframe>


3. Replace link up to '}&action=embed' with documents link

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30 minutes ago, clangstaff said:

@ADT Sounds like you need to make some amendments within the Admin panel to get this setting made available. I couldn't tell you exactly which setting it is but it appears there for us.

However, regardless of this setting to get a PowerPoint to display publicly on a site (for people who are not logged in to office 365 within the same browser) we had to paste the link in to some code then use that embed code in a HTML widget.

Follow guidance below.


Public embed for 365 documents




1. Go to document and get view only link as pasted below








2. Copy the iframe code from frog and paste in to document too




<iframe src='https://holmfirthhighco-my.sharepoint.com/personal/c_langstaff_holmfirthhigh_co_uk/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=UImRA0YbUkAYOaVjzJrSL3D34g4om1O2h04Bm6qirpI%3d&docid=0060a53bc51f34dbaa6bb3e19888e8553&rev=1&action=embedview&wdStartOn=1' width='100%' height='800px;' frameborder='0'>This is an embedded <a target='_blank' href='https://office.com'>Microsoft Office</a> document, powered by <a target='_blank' href='https://office.com/webapps'>Office Online</a>.</iframe>




3. Replace link up to '}&action=embed' with documents link


Hi clangstaff...

Yeah that's what I did...  my problem is I cant change any setting in O365.... 

But as long as staff/students are logged into O365 first and the I've used the view only- if logged in...  then it should work the same???????

  You'd think????

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@ADT Sorry for the reply. Have you tried getting a user to log in to Office 365 then in the same browser attempt to open the site containing the document rather than logging in to the small Sharepoint window on the page.

Not sure if this will work but worth a try.

I'd also suggest talking to someone who can make changes within the Office 365 platform and allowing the sharing of documents externally.

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4 hours ago, clangstaff said:

@ADT Sorry for the reply. Have you tried getting a user to log in to Office 365 then in the same browser attempt to open the site containing the document rather than logging in to the small Sharepoint window on the page.

Not sure if this will work but worth a try.

I'd also suggest talking to someone who can make changes within the Office 365 platform and allowing the sharing of documents externally.

The issues is our managed service are massively over protective and will not makes changes to the settings....  so I have to work with what I have!!

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@ADT Presuming the managed service don't want individuals sharing documents publicly it may be more reasonable to ask them to create a public Sharepoint site including a documents area which you have managing rights to. That way settings don't need to be changed school wide but you should be able to achieve the same.

I would keep arguing the case with the managed service providers -  Office 365 is incredibly flexible for a reason and permissions can be manipulated on all levels to make it work to each schools requirements.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Graham Quince@clangstaff Ok so I still cant get this to work properly...  but hey it works enough...   however I was just trying to get embedding sExcel to work using similar instructions and...


Cant get this to work at all!!

Any ideas???

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13 minutes ago, ADT said:

@Graham Quince@clangstaff Ok so I still cant get this to work properly...  but hey it works enough...   however I was just trying to get embedding sExcel to work using similar instructions and...


Cant get this to work at all!!

Any ideas???

I'll take that back... I've fixed it!!  Turns out I was using an older file type!!

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1 minute ago, Graham Quince said:


When are you free for a remote screenshare.  I think this problem might be easier to solve this way.  



Remote what now...  come on Quincey you know the score by now!! 

Obviously your whistle stop tour back to Gods Country has messed with your head!!

And anyway i fixed it!! :P

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2 hours ago, Graham Quince said:

hehe.   I totally forgot about your managed service blocking remote sessions.  

Glad you fixed it - what was the solution?


As above.... 

Turns out I was using an older file type!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

What I'm discovering about FrogCode is that it is easy to do some things like adapting a link, but it's harder to add polish such as responsive changes, rich text and dealing with page layouts that Frog widgets usually have.

So it's going to be easy to hack stuff together to get a job done, but depending on what is wanted it might not feel as "clean" as a traditional widget.  The only one affected by that is me* really.  As a Frog employee any widgets I build will have to be checked and approved.  I suppose I could set up a phantom school and create widgets under a pseudonym?   Or maybe we have a great big "Frog Amateur" sticker on any widgets Frog employees who aren't full time developers share.


*Actually @Alistair Gill, @Jenny Vosper and head of sales Anthony Doyle have all built widgets too.  Edd keeps finding excuses not to.  ¬¬

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On ‎27‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 08:48, Graham Quince said:

What I'm discovering about FrogCode is that it is easy to do some things like adapting a link, but it's harder to add polish such as responsive changes, rich text and dealing with page layouts that Frog widgets usually have.

So it's going to be easy to hack stuff together to get a job done, but depending on what is wanted it might not feel as "clean" as a traditional widget.  The only one affected by that is me* really.  As a Frog employee any widgets I build will have to be checked and approved.  I suppose I could set up a phantom school and create widgets under a pseudonym?   Or maybe we have a great big "Frog Amateur" sticker on any widgets Frog employees who aren't full time developers share.


*Actually @Alistair Gill, @Jenny Vosper and head of sales Anthony Doyle have all built widgets too.  Edd keeps finding excuses not to.  ¬¬

Well @Edd has lots of Jeremy Kyle to catch up on after his holidays!! :P

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