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Graham Quince

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  1. Graham Quince's post in Notifications Rules was marked as the answer   
    Hi Sue,
    The app only sends notifications when an assignment is set.  The development team were very clear that we didn’t want all notifications going to phones – they’d never stop buzzing.
    In the future, we hope to add a feature allowing you to also send your own push notifications.  (There are also conversations about a global control for in-platform notifications.)
    Kind regards
  2. Graham Quince's post in Davinci update no page url for sub category pages was marked as the answer   
    Hi Chris,
    I'm sorry, but the only direct links Frog sites have are for top level pages.  Nothing to do with da Vinci, it's just never been possible.
    One possible hack:
    Create a top-level page Add a nested page widget and point it to the sub page Copy the URL for this top level page Hide this page from the menu Graham
  3. Graham Quince's post in Responsive Themes Boilerplate was marked as the answer   
    Hi @Chris.Smith
    Actually, we've bypassed FrogCode.  The new theme building tutorial uses a special theme and the HTML widget:
  4. Graham Quince's post in Secure Area on Frog was marked as the answer   
    Hi Tom,
    If you create a site, but leave it as private, then create a group who have viewing access, any parent who pays can be added to the group (teachers can add to groups as well as admins with Groups & Policies and you could even give this student access - via a group).  A site link with a Rule on it to display to that group on the parent dashboard and sending out a direct link should make it easy to find.
    Hope that helps
  5. Graham Quince's post in 250 Theme Sub-Menu Background was marked as the answer   
    Hi @Pete Foulkes,
    The class for the menu is 'tab'.   You might want to identify just that theme's class though, which you can find by right-clicking on the menu, choosing Inspect, then in the developer tools, looking for the DIV for data-site-name.  Alongside that will be the theme's UUID.   

    I have a feeling the theme UUIDs are the same across all Frogs), so if you add this HTML to the dashboards, then any site using that theme will retain the styling.
    <style> div[data-site-theme="78F572742002C10A67732FA11DCEC3069A12D6FCFBDD49E8"] .tab { background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5); } <style>  
  6. Graham Quince's post in Background Dimensions Frog Templates was marked as the answer   
    Hi @paulmitchell1989,
    I've been told the banner is best created at 2000x250 pixels, but I have noticed a tendancy towards 350 pixels high with a last fewe our Creative Studios guy have been producing.
    Here's one of the banners used on Frog Templates, for your reference which was actually 1920 x 360???

  7. Graham Quince's post in Blog was marked as the answer   
    Hi @mmclaughlin
    Is this the one you're looking for:
  8. Graham Quince's post in Digital signage was marked as the answer   
    Hi @mhamilton,
    The digital signage uses the notice widget's API and the particular notice widget's UUID to display the notices.  You're welcome to give it a go, although i think it needs a little work.  There is a setInterval in the code to reload the notices every hour.  I think you could quite easily incorporate more noticeboards into the one signage, it would just be a case of re-running the API call with a different UUID and removing the clear contents element.
    <style> .html_code_news_slide { width:90%; padding:50px; font-size:40pt; line-height:40pt; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; border:1px solid #000000; margin-top:50px; background:rgba(255,255,255,0.8); border-radius:50px; min-height:500px; } .html_code_news_slide h2 { font-size:60pt; line-height:60pt; } </style> <div class="html_code_news_slide"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var digitalSignageNotices = function() { var noticesUUID = '5E2008FA2002841CAAAD8FD5068D290E15D53D5C204BBE78', $noticesContainer = $('.html_code_news_slide'), slide=0, now = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/ 1000); Frog.Model.api('forum.gettopics', { parent: noticesUUID }).done(function(noticesResponse) { noticesResponse.data.topics.forEach(function(notice, index) { var startDate = notice.entry.start_date, endDate = notice.entry.end_date, title = notice.entry.title, content = notice.entry.content; if (startDate===false) { startDate=0; } if (!endDate){ endDate=now+1000; } // clear the container first $noticesContainer.html(); if (now>=startDate && now<=endDate) { $noticesContainer .append($( '<div class="newsSlide" id="news'+slide+'">'+ '<h2>'+title+'</h2>'+ content+ '</div>' ) ); slide++; } }); // Once all the slides are loaded, hide and cycle through them cycleThrough(slide); }).fail(function() { // these are not the results you are looking for. }); }; digitalSignageNotices(); setInterval(digitalSignageNotices, 360000); var cycleThrough = function(slide) { var divs = $('div[id^="news"]').hide(), i = 0; (function cycle() { divs.eq(i).fadeIn(200) .delay(10000) .fadeOut(200, cycle); i = ++i % slide; })(); }; })(); </script>  
  9. Graham Quince's post in Google HELP was marked as the answer   
    Hi Matt,
    I've just brainstormed this with @Alistair Gill, this is what we came up with:
    Assign a Google doc with "Each gets their own copy" to half of the class Make the first instruction in the assignment "Share this document with your partner" Frog will duplicate the document, leaving you as the owner, but sharing it to the original 50 students.  Those students have sharing permissions with the document so can add others.  Using Revision History, you'll be able to see who has done what on the document.
  10. Graham Quince's post in Curriculum Designer was marked as the answer   
    Hi @deanmoulder
    I've been told that from Dickens, Curriculum designer will be included on everyone's FrogLearn.  The National Curriculum should be pre-loaded as an option when setting up your curriculum.  Would it be worth me arranging for someone to give to a virtual tour?
  11. Graham Quince's post in Responsive Theme Boilerplate was marked as the answer   
    Theme template updated on the tutorial/guide.
  12. Graham Quince's post in Slideshow HTML HELP! was marked as the answer   
    Hi @Sue Busher
    Here's the problem code:
    .carousel-inner img { max-width: 100%; height: 300px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; min-width: 300px; } The minimum width is set to 300px.  If you change that to 150px, it should stop them stretching.
  13. Graham Quince's post in Booking Calendar fullscreen was marked as the answer   
    Hi Dean
    You will need to be logged in, in order to see the calendar, but if you use this web address:   https://YOUR FROG/app/booking/ you should be able to see the booking calendar.
  14. Graham Quince's post in FrogLearn SCORM Player was marked as the answer   
    Hi @sfoster
    I know we've spoken, but for the benefit of anyone else interested, we don't have an ideal solution for SCORM at the moment.  You can link to Frog3's SCORM files.  The Ideas Portal has a popular request for a player, you can vote on it here:
  15. Graham Quince's post in Tabs - Concept Demo was marked as the answer   
    Hi @paulmitchell1989,
    When I looked at the site you'd created, I realised that using the Nested Page widgets, you'd be loading a lot of content, only to then hide of it on the tabs.  So instead, I've tweaked the code to load an iframe on click:
    This first HTML widget is the styling and layout code:
    <style> .notice-tabs { float: left; } .notice-tab { display: inline-block; min-width:65px; height:27px; text-align:center; border: 1px solid #cccccc; border-width: 1px 1px 0 1px; border-radius:5px; border-bottom-right-radius:0px; border-bottom-left-radius:0px; margin: 0px; padding: 5px; padding-top:10px; cursor: pointer; min-width: 20px; font-size:10pt; } .notice-tab { background: #0497da; /* Old browsers */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #0497da 0%, #0064cd 100%); /* FF3.6-15 */ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #0497da 0%,#0064cd 100%); /* Chrome10-25,Safari5.1-6 */ background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #0497da 0%,#0064cd 100%); /* W3C, IE10+, FF16+, Chrome26+, Opera12+, Safari7+ */ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#0497da', endColorstr='#0064cd',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */ color:#FFFFFF; } .notice-tab.active { background: #FFFFFF; color:#000000; } </style> <div class="notice-tabs"> <div class="notice-tab active" data-year="0">Attendance</div> <div class="notice-tab" data-year="1">Merits and Cards</div> <div class="notice-tab" data-year="2">Grades</div> <div class="notice-tab" data-year="3">Subject Overview</div> <div class="notice-tab" data-year="4">Contact Teachers</div> </div> This second HTML widget is the jQuery which contains the clicking:
    <script> var $sitesElement = $('.ui-os-main-window:first, .ui-dialog.focused, dashboard-0').find('.sites_core'), noticesUuid = {}, $widgets = $sitesElement.find('div.sites_widget'), $iframe = $("<iframe>", { id: Frog.Utilities.generateSimpleId(), width: '100%', height:'1200px' } ), hideAllShowOne = function(yearGroup) { $sitesElement.find('.notice-tab').removeClass("active"); // remove the active class from all DIV $sitesElement.find('.notice-tab[data-year=' + yearGroup + ']').addClass("active"); // add the active class to the selected DIV $iframe.attr('src',noticesUuid[yearGroup]); }; noticesUuid[0] = "YOURSCHOOL/index.phtml?d=623515"; noticesUuid[1] = "YOURSCHOOL/index.phtml?d=623537"; noticesUuid[2] = "YOURSCHOOL/index.phtml?d=623530"; noticesUuid[3] = "YOURSCHOOL/index.phtml?d=623546"; noticesUuid[4] = "YOURSCHOOL/index.phtml?d=623525"; hideAllShowOne(0); $sitesElement.find('.notice-tab[data-year]').bind('click', function(ev) { hideAllShowOne($(this).data('year')); }); this.element.append($iframe); </script>  
  16. Graham Quince's post in Twitter Widget was marked as the answer   
    You can target it like any widget for styling?
    This is the CSS i use for the forum feed on the community:
    /* RSS feed - forum activity*/ div[data-content-uuid="D2C73B0D200288AE6903DFFA2E2A1302C38D3B1C96E71BC6"] h2:before { content:"Frog Forums - "; } div[data-content-uuid="D2C73B0D200288AE6903DFFA2E2A1302C38D3B1C96E71BC6"] h2 { visibility:hidden; height:0px; overflow:hidden; } div[data-content-uuid="D2C73B0D200288AE6903DFFA2E2A1302C38D3B1C96E71BC6"] small { visibility:hidden; height:0px; overflow:hidden; } div[data-content-uuid="D2C73B0D200288AE6903DFFA2E2A1302C38D3B1C96E71BC6"] a { color:#0071b9; font-weight:bold; } div[data-content-uuid="D2C73B0D200288AE6903DFFA2E2A1302C38D3B1C96E71BC6"] .feed_content { position:relative; top:-40px; }  
  17. Graham Quince's post in Student Tracker 'Goal' - can someone explain please?! was marked as the answer   
    Hi @smackie2,
    I've checked with Tom to make sure I have this right:
    As far as I understand this is an additional intervention tool that staff can use in the classroom while on the go, without the need of changing the whole school curriculum.
    It allows staff to add in an extra custom objective within a tracker for 1 or more students, which can be used as a smaller step towards a larger objective
    reference a key point/piece of knowledge that a student/students may be missing, which once achieved the staff member can be confident they are on track with the parent objective.
    This doesn’t currently pull through to reports but this is planned to in the future.
    As mentioned, this won’t change what is in the curriculum designer (as you wouldn’t want every staff member constantly changing it through the year), but during moderation meetings staff may want to share how they have used these goals with SLT, as some of these goals may need to be incorporated into the curriculum where appropriate.
    Hope that clears things up
    Graham (and Tom)
  18. Graham Quince's post in Sharing a site with parents from one year group was marked as the answer   
    Hi @ann
    The Service Desk can run a report for you containing parents and their children and their year groups.  You can then use this to add parents to groups and then share with those groups.
  19. Graham Quince's post in Shared Folders - List View was marked as the answer   
    I've played with the Dickens version of the shared folder widget and it does both of these things.  
  20. Graham Quince's post in Bulk Close Assignment: Admin was marked as the answer   
    Hi @C Wilson,
    We can do this for you, if you contact the Service Desk.
  21. Graham Quince's post in Adobe Captivate was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately the SCORM workaround was to host the files in Google Drive - but Google pulled support for hosting on 1st September.  
    SCORM support is currently "under consideration" on the ideas portal - http://ideas.frogcommunity.com/ideas/FRG-I-461  The more votes we have for it, the easier the business case becomes to invest time in developing a player.
    I'm not sure what Tin Can is, but i take it you need more than download options?
  22. Graham Quince's post in SSO for offsite (cloud) Frog servers was marked as the answer   
    Hi @deanmoulder
    We generally suggest ADFS for SSO with our hosted schools.  This knowledgebase article should help: https://servicedesk.frogeducation.com/servicedesk/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/35/0/3rd-party---adfs---introduction--how-it-works
  23. Graham Quince's post in Frog Feedback was marked as the answer   
    Hi @mmclaughlin
    i've just asked the question and there's a hotfix due this week that should finally address the issues you've been having.   i know other schools have been running Feedback - but Talbot's set up is different.  
    Sorry this has gone on so long for you.
  24. Graham Quince's post in Menus was marked as the answer   
    Here's the tutorial link: https://www.frogcommunity.com/external-linkmenu
  25. Graham Quince's post in Assignment widget link for students was marked as the answer   
    Hi @Corinne
    There is the equivalent widget.  It's called Assignments.  You'll have to go into Groups and Policies and turn it on (it's an app) for Admins, then you'll be able to add it to a page via the App link widget.
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