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C Wilson

School User
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Everything posted by C Wilson

  1. Thanks Graham. Support request sent.
  2. Please tell me there is a way for an admin to bulk close any assignments that are past the due date? I've sent out an email to all our teaching staff asking them to close any assignments that are past the due date plus encouraging them to use the Auto close function but I'm still seeing quite a lot of open assignments that should of been closed. As an admin do I get the bulk close assignment function that staff get when in the Assignment Manager?
  3. Our Deputy Headteacher as asked the question if there is a way of hiding assignments that have been set in advance and make them only appear on the Issue Date for students. At present we have a 'Quick View' (stolen HTML from this thread) on the students dashboard that shows their open assignments but this does include ones that have a later issue date. Graham Quince did help us with this before the summer and added in a snippet of code (that actually stopped working after the holidays!) that hid the assignment with a later issue date but students could still see them in the Assignment Manager so really that wasn't full proof. There is already a suggestion for this on the Ideas Portal so get voting!: http://ideas.frogcommunity.com/ideas/FRG-I-121 Does anyone else think this would be beneficial?! and really should be expected behaviour... If it's in the pipeline then
  4. It would be nice to have a auto-refresh icon for the Noticeboard widget. Similar to what the current Wall widget has. I will put this as a suggestion on the Ideas portal but I was wondering if someone could come up with a snippet of code that could do it? It's much better than having to refresh the the platform to see any new posts.
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